Psoriasis is a chronic (long term) skin condition marked by skin cells that grow too quickly and build up, leaving thick, red, silvery, or scaly patches on the surface of the skin. These patches can be painful and itchy. Psoriasis can be embarrassing and difficult to treat, but it isn’t contagious. There are several different types of psoriasis but they are all the result of skin cells reproducing too quickly. Normally it takes 21 – 28 days for new skin cells to develop. In psoriasis sufferers that process only takes two to six days. Cells build up on the surface of the skin causing red, flaky, crusty or silvery patches to appear.
Psoriasis begins in the immune system, mainly with a type of white blood cell called a T cell. T cells help protect the body against infection and disease. With psoriasis, T cells are put into action by mistake. They become so active that they set off other immune responses. This leads to swelling and fast turnover of skin cells. People with psoriasis may notice that sometimes the skin gets better and sometimes it gets worse. The thing about psoriasis is that you really don't have any idea how awful it is until you get it. The constant itching and grotesque appearance are tragic products of this disease, but the worst part, by a mile, is what psoriasis does to your self-esteem.
Since the patches often appear in places on the body that are visible, the condition can also make a person feel self conscious or embarrassed. Severe skin conditions like psoriasis can have a very negative effect on emotional health. The sufferer may believe the condition appears unattractive to others and might withdraw from social contact as a result. Stress is one of the biggest psoriasis triggers out there, and in fact, many people can trace the beginning of their psoriasis to a particularly nerve-racking period in their life. Psoriasis makes you stressed and stressing makes psoriasis worse. Psoriasis on and around the face should be treated carefully as the skin here is very sensitive.
Psoriasis medications that affect the entire body rather than just the skin are powerful, effective drugs that target psoriasis at the source. The red, flaky lesions that characterize psoriasis are caused by a kink in the immune system that causes skin cells to overproduce so-called systemic medications. Autoimmune diseases affect Millions of people worldwide, and that number is rising. Autoimmune diseases are one of the top ten leading causes of death for women under the age of 64. In Autoimmune diseases the body undergoes an inappropriate.
Suffering from something so embarrassing that you aren’t even sure what to do anymore?
Psoriasis is a common, chronic inflammatory disease that can cause as :
much disability as cancer, diabetes or other major medical illnesses. Consumers have no way of knowing the quality, safety and efficacy of products sold on the illicit market. Furthermore, for those choosing ‘natural’ or ‘herbal’ products there is no guarantee of safety, with unscrupulous manufacturers concealing potent enhancement drugs within ‘healthier, natural’ products. Your treatment options may depend on how severe your psoriasis is. Severity is based on how much of your body is affected by psoriasis. However, the severity of psoriasis is also measured by how psoriasis affects a person's quality of life.
Dr. Yacobi has conducted independent medical research for over thirty years and has discovered the best formula against “Psoriasis diseases”.
“MayX Namlat (A)”®- is 100% natural cream, liquid spray oil and shampoo which alleviates “Psoriasis”. After long study Scientist Dr. Yacobi has discovered a solution that can transform the psoriasis infested skin to healthy looking skin: remove scales, stop itchiness, inflamed skin, redness, soreness, and scaling while balancing regular skin healing. “MayX Namlat (A)”®- keeps skin moist at all time. This natural cream, liquid spray oil and shampoo goes deeper to penetrate into the skin to help lessen dryness. This includes a special medical Shampoo for Dandruff. These have been used by volunteer patients from all over the world for over 20 years with remarkable success.
“MayX Namlat (A)”® is a special line of naturally formulated biomedical therapeutic capsules that will fight psoriasis from the inside of the body. “MayX”® cleanses the body of waste material by dissolving it and removing it from inside the body and out through the urinary tract. The abundance of this waste material inside the body inhibits proper metabolic and autoimmune system function, especially T-Cells. Dr. Yacobi believes that most ailments confuse the T-Cells act against normal cells. T-Cells attack healthy skin cells by mistake, as if to heal a wound or to fight an infection. By removing this waste material, the body will become healthy enough to respond normally to ailments. Thus allowing the immune system to not attack healthy normal cells. The reason why this treatment is successful is because it addresses psoriasis form the inside and outside using only 100% natural extracts and ingredients.
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease which leads to inflammation and to scaling, from a rapid turnover of skin cells. Once the disease is triggered, the skin cells pile up on the surface of the body faster than normal.
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease which leads to inflammation and to scaling, from a rapid turnover of skin cells. Once the disease is triggered, the skin cells pile up on the surface of the body faster than normal. In people without Psoriasis, skin cells mature and are shed about every 28 days. In Psoriasis affected skin, the skin cells move rapidly up to the surface of the skin over 3 to 6 days. The body can’t shed the skin cells fast enough and this process results in patches also called ‘’lesions’’ forming on the skin’s surface.
Psoriasis is a serious medical condition affecting the autoimmune system. The most common form, which affects about 80 percent of people inflicted, is plaque psoriasis. It is characterized by patches of raised, reddish skin covered with silvery-white scales. Psoriasis usually occurs on the scalp, knees, elbows, hands and feet. Psoriasis is not contagious. It is not life threatening, but people with psoriasis may have a higher prevalence depression. Psoriasis can occur at any age, but typically appears for the first time between ages 15 and 35.
The role of the immune system in psoriasis
The body’s inflammatory process is maintained in part by chemical messengers. During a normal immune response, certain types of chemical messengers are produced by activated immune cells and sent to the site of infection. Elevated levels of some of these chemical messengers may cause the skin to grow at an accelerated rate.
People with certain medical conditions, such as HIV, are more likely to develop psoriasis. Other risk factors are:
Family history, Stress, Obesity, Smoking, Heavy alcohol consumption, Chemicals etc.…
The specific cause of this condition was discovered by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi in 1985
Why Scientist Dr. Yacobi called the “Psoriasis treatment “Namlat (A)”® & “Namlat (B)”® for burn treatment?
First of all we have the word “Namlat” or “Naml” in Arabic which is a word for ant(s). The most common and aggressive kind is the red imported fire ant, which is reddishbrown and measures about 1/8-inch long (about half the size of a pencil eraser). A person who gets stung by a fire ant will feel a sharp pain and burning. A person who steps on a fire ant mound will get a lot of stings at once because the ants have been disturbed where they all live together. Each sting will turn into an itchy white blister over the next day. fire ants first bite, grabbing hold with their mandibles, and then sting repeatedly, injecting venom into their victim. This is why a quick swat at a biting fire ant can often remove them before they sting. Some very small ants, such as the fire ants’ tiny relatives the thief ants, have stingers too delicate to pierce human skin. On the other hand, some ants like leafcutter ants are so well adapted for biting that they no longer have a stinger. Psoriatic itch is different than that of other skin disorders. Some people have described it as a burning, biting sensation. Others compare it to the feeling of being bitten by fire ants.
Psoriasis intensity varies from person to person. Some people have very thin layers or tiny patches that may not be very noticeable on their skin. Others have a very evil form of psoriasis. The main causes of psoriasis are still not fully understood. It is possible that multiple factors contribute to Psoriasis. Auto-immunity is the main contributor. Genetic and environmental factors also have a role in this skin disease.
T-Cells in the body produce a substance to protect skin from infective agents. However, an irregular activity in the immune system takes place due to an excess of this substance. A rapid growth of skin cells occur which stack up on the outer surface of skin. Hence an inflammation in the skin occurs. Furthermore, a mutation of genes will also affect T-helper cells.
In children with plaque psoriasis, plaques are not as thick, and the lesions are less scaly. Psoriasis often appears in the diaper region in infancy and in flexural areas in children. The disease more commonly affects the face in children than it does in adults.
Most general practitioners today look at psoriasis as a hopeless skin condition. We now know that psoriasis can be an indicator of many more serious underlying conditions. Both patient and doctor need to be aware of the risks associated with having psoriasis.
Psoriasis, like rheumatoid arthritis (RA), is an autoimmune condition that has been associated with an increased risk of lymphoma. There are several types of lymphoma, at least two of which are increased in patients with psoriasis by as much as 10-fold over patients without the skin condition.
Lymphoma is a cancer of white blood cells which typically leads to swollen lymph nodes. Many lymph nodes are superficial and can be palpated (felt) by your physician during a routine exam. If enlarged lymph nodes are felt, they can be further investigated. Moderate to severe psoriasis can pose as much as a 3-fold increases for the risk of a heart attack. Chronic inflammation, as is seen in psoriasis, is now believed to be a major player in the development of heart disease.
Flares of psoriasis are often linked to triggers – factors in the environment that set off the faulty immune response that causes psoriasis.
Everyone’s triggers are different, but common triggers include:
- Cold or dry climate
- Infections
- Dry Skin
- Stress
Psoriasis is neither infectious nor contagious. Psoriasis is more likely to occur in persons whose family members also have this condition; thus part of the cause is certainly hereditary.
In the most common form of psoriasis, plaque psoriasis, certain areas of the skin develop red patches of various sizes, covered with dry, silvery scales. The skin lesions can be painful and itchy. Inflammation will come and go for people with psoriasis, and presently there is no known cure.
Plaques on the shins and knees are often very itchy. The ankles may also swell at the end of the day because of poor circulation, exacerbating plaques. For those who experience this problem, we recommend reducing pressure on the skin by exercising the calf muscles. Bending the knees from time to time when standing or lying down to allow the muscles to pump the blood more efficiently to the heart. This is only a starting point.
The itch in psoriasis is a significant but often unrecognized problem in dermatology. Itching was the most frequent complaint (70%) among patients hospitalized for psoriasis; it affects a person's self-esteem, sociability, and quality of life. At worst, people can cut themselves off completely from the outside world. Fortunately, psoriasis lesions don't leave permanent scars on the skin, although the lesions may recur. When we get an itch, we scratch it. But for individuals with psoriasis, the "itchy" feeling can be taken to truly excruciating levels where scratching doesn't stop the itch and can may it even worse. Bleeding and scarring is all too common.
At SNP Bioscience BV, we understand that there are many factors that link disease causing autoimmune system distress. Psoriasis has a myriad of factors that puts great strain on the body. For those who suffer from this disease, it is known all too well that the discomfort it causes. The flaking and scaling is very itchy and stings with pain. Moreover, the appearance of inflamed patchy skin can be an eyesore, wreaking emotional stress to those affected.
There is good news! Biomedical scientist, Dr. Yacobi took all these factors into account and has created an all-natural biomedical treatment that works. It is the only solution in the world that can alleviate symptoms and restore healthy skin. We are proud to introduce our solution for psoriasis: “Namlat (A)”®-.
“Namlat (A)”®- soothing oil treatment for topical use, excellent track record of results experienced for many years of application by volunteer patients of Scientist, Dr. Yacobi. Best results when combined with Yacobi Biomedical systemic biomedicines.
No known cure is available for psoriasis, but various treatments can help to control the symptoms. Though many treatments are available, psoriasis can be difficult to treat due to its chronic recurrent nature. These treatments have many side effects including redness of skin and burning. Some of these treatments have a resin-like texture where application can also be irritating. These treatments can also have odours that can be very harsh and chemical based. A new generation of targeted immune therapies is being subjected to rigorous investigation in order to advance treatment options for psoriasis.
Scalp psoriasis is a condition of the scalp in which the outer layer of skin cells reproduce faster than normal and the skin develops a build-up of dry, dead skin cells. These cells form thick, silvery scales and can be accompanied by itching, soreness, and burning. Sometimes, the skin may become so dry as to crack and bleed. The severity of flaking can range from fine dandruff-like flakes to plaques with thick, adherent scales. Scalp psoriasis can often extend beyond the hairline down the forehead onto the face, and the backs of the ears are often involved.
A new generation of targeted immune therapies is being subjected to rigorous investigation in order to advance treatment options for Psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis is a condition of the scalp in which the outer layer of skin cells reproduce faster than normal and the skin develops a build-up of dry, dead skin cells. These cells form thick, silvery scales and can be accompanied by itching, soreness, and burning. Sometimes, the skin may become so dry as to crack and bleed. The severity of flaking can range from fine dandruff-like flakes to plaques with thick, adherent scales. Scalp Psoriasis can often extend beyond the hairline down the forehead onto the face, and the backs of the ears are often involved. Most often, the scales of psoriasis are thicker and somewhat drier in appearance than are the scales of seborrheic dermatitis. In addition, psoriasis usually affects more than one area of the body. If you have scalp psoriasis, you may also have mild psoriasis on your elbows, knees, hands or feet or may notice subtle nail changes, such as pitting. Scalp psoriasis is often persistent and more difficult to treat than is seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp.
Dandruff can be a very embarrassing problem, and it can be difficult to treat. There are many causes for dandruff, such as seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis or not washing your hair enough. However, the majority of the time, it is not caused by poor hygiene. Dandruff is a condition of the scalp that causes flakes of skin to appear. Dandruff is a common condition, which is marked by itching. In some cases it can be embarrassing and not easy to treat.
Dandruff can be chronic (long-term) or the result of certain triggers. People with dandruff may also experience irritation and redness on the scalp.
Fortunately, dandruff can be controlled. In mild cases, the person need only find a suitable shampoo which contains a gentle cleanser. When the dandruff is severe, a medicated shampoo will be required.
Excessive flaking may be caused by an underlying illness or condition, such as “Psoriasis” a fungal infection (Malassezia), seborrheic dermatitis, or even head lice.
People with seborrheic dermatitis are very prone to dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis affects many areas of the skin, including the backs of the ears, the breastbone, eyebrows, and the sides of the nose, not just the scalp. The patient will have red, greasy skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales.
This is a skin condition in which the skin becomes inflamed or flaky. Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp is a severe form of dandruff. When it affects the scalp most people refer to it as dandruff. When babies have it, it is referred to as cradle cap. Seborrheic dermatitis causes larger, greasier flakes than most other types of dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis affects not only the scalp, but the skin in other parts of the body too.
Scientist Dr. Yacobi recommends that to have the best result for a definite treatment is to combine 2 types of medication:
“Namlat (A)”®- Cream or Oil & “MayX Namlat (A)”®-Pills
“Namlat (A)”®- is 100% natural cream, liquid spray oil and shampoo which alleviates “Psoriasis”. After long study Scientist Dr. Yacobi has discovered a solution that can transform the psoriasis infested skin to healthy looking skin: remove scales, stop itchiness, inflamed skin, redness, soreness, and scaling while balancing regular skin healing. “Namlat (A)”®- keeps skin moist at all time. This natural cream, liquid spray oil and shampoo goes deeper to penetrate into the skin to help lessen dryness. This includes a special medical Shampoo for Dandruff. These have been used by volunteer patients from all over the world for over 20 years with remarkable success.
“MayX Namlat (A)”®- Pills, Capsule or Molecule for Children.
“MayX Namlat (A)”® is a special line of naturally formulated biomedical therapeutic capsules that will fight psoriasis from the inside of the body. “MayX”® cleanses the body of waste material by dissolving it and removing it from inside the body and out through the urinary tract. The abundance of this waste material inside the body inhibits proper metabolic and autoimmune system function, especially T-Cells. Dr. Yacobi believes that most ailments confuse the T-Cells to react against normal cells. T-Cells attack healthy skin cells by mistake, as if to heal a wound or to fight an infection. By removing this waste material, the body will become healthy enough to respond normally to ailments. Thus allowing the immune system to not attack healthy normal cells. The reason why this treatment is successful is because it addresses psoriasis form the inside and outside using only 100% natural extracts and ingredients. We will always remain to follow our business strategy by employing the principles of bioscience.
As an innovative and ‘out of the box’ thinker in the medical field, Dr. Yacobi has conducted independent medical research for over thirty years and has discovered the best formula against “Psoriasis” and this is the baseline for the following projections:
The Product containing general Internal Cleansing remedy for “Psoriasis” composition per ml. Each disease has a special formula, 100% Natural Bioscience treatment.
The Product containing the general “Psoriasis” remedy can transform psoriasis infested skin to a healthier looking skin: removes scaling, stops itchiness, inflamed skin, redness, soreness, and balances regular skin healing. “Namlat (A)”®- keeps the skin moist at all times. The natural cream, liquid spray oil and shampoo goes deeper to penetrate into the skin to help lessen dryness for full recovery.“Namlat (A)”®- is a natural product that specializes in general skin cleansing and recovery, composition per Litre, 100% Natural Bioscience therapeutic treatment. “Keep Refrigerated”