Organ transplantation is a surgical procedure to replace a failing, diseased organ with a healthier donor organ, such as a heart, liver, kidney, or lung. Donor organs can come from deceased donors, which is always the case in heart transplants, or from living donors, which can happen in kidney, liver, and, rarely, lung transplants.
Patients are evaluated by transplant physicians to determine if and when they should be placed on the waiting list. The rules that dictate the waiting list vary by organ. a patient's medical urgency, blood, tissue and size match with the donor, time on the waiting list and proximity to the donor.
The gap between transplant patients on waiting lists and the number of available organs is widening because demand is increasing, with people are living longer and more medical treatments are available to extend life, while the number of donors remains stagnant.
The demand for organ transplantation has rapidly increased all over the world during the past decade due to the increased incidence of vital organ failure, the rising success and greater improvement in post transplant outcome. Organ transplantation is built upon altruism and public trust. If anything shakes that trust, then everyone loses. All patients waiting for kidney, heart, liver, lung, intestine, pancreas and multiple-organ transplants;. There is no ranking or patient order until there is a donor, because each donor's blood type, size and genetic characteristics are different.
Experience has shown, furthermore, that people are more likely to donate organs if they know that other people in their own community will benefit. Every ten minutes, someone is added to the national transplant waiting list and on average, 21 people die each day while waiting for a transplant in United State only. The need for organs for transplantation is far greater than the available supply.
Major Surgery Complication Procedure and many risk involved
When kidney function declines to a certain level, patients have end-stage renal disease and require either dialysis or transplantation to sustain their life.
Some possible long-term risks of donating a kidney may include high blood pressure (hypertension); large amount of protein in the urine; hernia; organ impairment or failure that leads to the need for dialysis or transplantation; and even death. This depends on the type of transplant you receive. Of course, with a major surgery like this, there are complications associated with the procedure that are fairly common to all transplants, including:
Pain Bleeding pneumonia blood clots hemorrhaging infection at the incision site. risks related to the procedure itself Risk of rejection of the transplanted organ. side effects associated with allergic reactions to the anaesthesia
Most complications occur in the first few months after a transplant, but complications can still develop after many years. Very small risk for acquiring AIDS, Hepatitis B, other viruses, or cancer from the donor organ - Organ donors are screened very carefully for these diseases, however on rare occasion, they are undetectable and may be passed to the recipient. the immune system suddenly begins to attack the donated kidney because it recognizes it as foreign tissue. the overall cancer risk is two times higher for individuals who have undergone transplantation for a solid organ, such as liver, heart, lung or kidney, compared to the risk of the general public.
Organ trafficking is the buying and selling of kidneys, livers and other human organs. The cost to buy and sell a kidney and other organs are based upon open source documents. The organ market is largely made up of impoverished and desperate sellers, wealthy, ailing customers and predatory middlemen. Most sales take place in developing countries These people live in a dire state of poverty. Many of these people have debt; the debt is accumulating every day with high interest. Or they are jobless or trying to find a way to go abroad to change their economic conditions.
Organ sale allowing or encouraging consenting adults to become living kidney donors in return for money—has been proposed as a possible solution to the seemingly chronic shortage of organs for transplantation. The first, and most straightforward, objection to organ sale is that it is excessively harmful or dangerous for paid organ donors. Present-day organ trafficking certainly does often involve excessive and unacceptable levels of harm.
Poverty and loopholes in legislation contribute to the illegal trade of organs. Poverty is seen in all countries with a large black market for organs. This, however, is not the only factor affecting the flourishing illegal markets, and some of the poorest countries in the world do not have an organ trade. This is definitely an astounding issue. I think part of the reason it is illegal to sell personal organs, is to ensure the healthy and safety of the general public.
The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist. They are located just below the rib cage, one on each side of the spine. Every day, the two kidneys filter about 120 to 150 quarts of blood to produce about 1 to 2 quarts of urine, composed of wastes and extra fluid. Most people know that a major function of the kidneys is to remove waste products and excess fluid from the body. These waste products and excess fluid are removed through the urine.
Wastes, such as urea and creatinine, must also be removed from the body. Urea and other wastes are made when the body breaks down protein, such as meat. Creatinine is a waste product of the muscles. As kidney function decreases, the levels of urea and creatinine in the blood increase. Many waste products are toxic (poisonous) if they are not removed from the body fluids.
The most common causes of disease all relate to a build-up of toxins and residues in the body that inhibit the various organs and systems from performing their normal functions. We may think of this in terms of internal hygiene. the vitality and mobility that we experienced in our younger years can be restored. If the kidneys are damaged, patients either no longer urinate or produce a lot less urine while waste products continue to be produced. These waste products and water build up in the bloodstream. This condition is called uraemia. Your hands or feet may swell and you may become breathless. Your blood pressure may rise and your body does not produce enough red blood cells. You may develop fatigue, nausea, and loss of appetite. Untreated uraemia may lead to seizures or coma and will ultimately result in death.
Acute kidney failure happens suddenly within hours to days, whereas chronic kidney failure happens gradually over a period of months to years. In both conditions, the kidneys shut down and can no longer filter wastes or excess water out of the blood. As a result, poisons start to build up in the blood and cause various complications that can affect various body systems. Chronic kidney failure eventually reaches an end stage. This condition occurs when the kidney is working at less than 10% of full capacity. At this stage, the person will need dialysis or a kidney transplant to be able to go on living.
“MayX Internol N819”® Cleanses away years if accumaleted toxins, wastes and residues to restore, repairing healthy kidney and urinary tract functions. Kidney Cleansing is a vital back up action. By cleansing the Kidneys, overload will be reduced and your kidneys will be more able to filter the wastes from other organs. To perform optimally, kidneys need to be relieved of toxins such as protein wastes and chemical additives which build up, increase acidity, raise blood pressure and diminish kidney effectiveness. The “MayX Internol N819”®, is a specially designed cleansing and healing product that treats patients who suffer from severe organ blockages, especially in the kidneys. The function of this organ is, among other things, to get rid of the waste products that result from the body's metabolism. One of the major by-products of the metabolism of muscle protein is urea. The organs remove the waste products by extracting them from the blood and sending them along the ureter to the bladder, from where they are excreted in the urine. If the organ function fails, the waste products accumulate in the blood and the body, the term for this build-up is azotemia. This can lead to kidney failure and dialysis. “MayX Internol N819”® will definitely help to prevent surgery and need for dialysis to purify the organs. “MayX Internol N819”® guarantees full cleansing of the kidneys, other filter organs and removal of blockages. This treatment will restore health, and guarantee healing in 6 to 36 months, depending on body size, weight, age, and disease history of the patient.
Human anatomy! It is a scientific study of human body systems and the internal organs. Cells are the building blocks of a human life. Together they make tissues and a group of tissues makes an organ that performs a specific task. And not to forget, that each organ plays an important role in a body system.
There are almost 78 organs in a human body which vary according to their sizes, functions or actions. An organ is a collection of millions of cells which group together to perform single functions in a our body. The cells in these body organs are highly specialized and form for all the necessary actions for some specific time. Out of these 78 organs of a male or female body, skin is the largest organ with respect to its size and weight. The major organ in the body of human beings is the brain which is primarily responsible for performing all the functions and actions of the body. Other major organs of the body are given in the following list with names, diseases, location and functions.
The body's functions are conducted by organs. Each organ is a recognizable structure (for “example, the heart, lungs, liver, eyes, and stomach” that performs specific functions. An organ is made of several types of tissue and therefore several types of cells.
For example, the heart contains muscle tissue that contracts to pump blood, fibrous tissue that makes up the heart valves, and special cells that maintain the rate and rhythm of heartbeats.
The eye contains muscle cells that open and close the pupil, clear cells that make up the lens and cornea, cells that produce the fluid within the eye, cells that sense light, and nerve cells that conduct impulses to the brain. Even an organ as apparently simple as the gallbladder contains different types of cells, such as those that form a lining resistant to the irritative effects of bile, muscle cells that contract to expel bile, and cells that form the fibrous outer wall holding the sac together.
Filter organs such as the kidneys and the liver take the brunt of natural wear and tear of body metabolism. Damage to these organs can cause a chain reaction damaging other parts of the body as well. At SNP Bioscience B.V. we devised a formula to alleviate and heal these extremely vital organs. This is one of our high-quality therapeutic treatments we are proud to introduce: “MayX Internol N819”®.
The liver is the largest internal organ in the body. Its main functions are to:
- Metabolize most of the nutrients that are absorbed by the intestine.
- Store nutrients.
- Produce proteins.
- Detoxify blood by removing medications, alcohol, and potentially harmful chemicals from the bloodstream and treating them chemically so they can be excreted by digestive or urinary systems
Because the liver comes in close contact with many harmful substances, it is protected against disease in two main ways. First, it can regenerate itself by repairing or replacing injured tissue. Second, the liver has many cell units responsible for the same task. Therefore, if one area is injured, other cells will perform the functions of the injured section indefinitely or until the damage has been repaired.
Liver failure occurs when large parts of the liver become damaged beyond repair and the liver is no longer able to function.
Acute liver failure is defined as "the rapid development of hepatocellular dysfunction, specifically coagulopathy and mental status changes (encephalopathy) in a patient without known prior liver disease". Chronic liver failure usually occurs in the context of cirrhosis, itself potentially the result of many possible causes, such as excessive alcohol intake, hepatitis B or C, autoimmune, hereditary and metabolic causes (such as iron or copper overload, Steatohepatitis or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
The most common conditions causing organ failure that requires transplantation are given below:
Kidney: Glomerular Diseases, Diabetes Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis
Liver: Cirrhosis due to viral hepatitis, Cirrhosis due to fatty liver, Cirrhosis due to alcohol and Cirrhosis due autoimmune diseases.
Heart Coronary Artery Disease, Cardiomyopathy, and Congenital Heart Disease.
Lung Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, and Emphysema/COPD
Chronic kidney disease leads to a build-up of fluid and waste products in the body. This condition affects most body systems and functions.
Chronic kidney disease “CKD” is increasingly recognized as a global public health problem. There is now convincing evidence that “CKD” can be detected using simple laboratory tests, and that treatment can prevent or delay complications of decreased kidney function, slow the progression of kidney disease, and reduce the subsequential risk of cardiovascular disease. Our kidneys perform a critical function in eliminating waste products from our blood and keeping our blood chemically balanced. When our kidneys cannot filter our blood properly, it usually means that something is seriously wrong with kidney function. This section deals exclusively with kidney problems. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) slowly gets worse over time. In the early stages, there may be slight to no symptoms. The loss of function usually takes months or years to occur. It may be so slow that symptoms do not appear until kidney function is measured less than onetenth of normal. At this stage, the kidneys are no longer able to remove enough wastes and excess fluids from the body. The patient needs dialysis to clean their body and blood or a kidney transplant.
Liver failure occurs when large parts of the liver become damaged beyond repair and the liver is no longer able to function.
Acute liver failure is defined as "the rapid development of hepatocellular dysfunction, specifically coagulopathy and mental status changes (encephalopathy) in a patient without known prior liver disease". Chronic liver failure usually occurs in the context of cirrhosis, itself potentially the result of many possible causes, such as excessive alcohol intake, hepatitis B or C, autoimmune, hereditary and metabolic causes (such as iron or copper overload, Steatohepatitis or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Filter organs such as the kidneys and the liver take the brunt of natural wear and tear of body metabolism. Damage to these organs can cause a chain reaction damaging other parts of the body as well. At SNP Bioscience B.V. we devised a formula to alleviate and heal these extremely vital organs. This is one of our high-quality therapeutic treatments we are proud to introduce: “MayX Internol N819”®.
Cerebrovascular Accidents or a "stroke" occurs when blood circulation to the brain fails. Brain cells can die from decreased blood flow and the resulting lack of oxygen. There are two broad categories of stroke: those caused by a blockage of blood flow and those caused by bleeding into the brain. A blockage of a blood vessel in the brain or neck, called an ischemic stroke, is the most frequent cause of stroke and is responsible for about 80 percent of strokes.
These blockages stem from three conditions: the formation of a clot within a blood vessel of the brain or neck, called thrombosis; the movement of a clot from another part of the body such as the heart to the brain, called an embolism; or a severe narrowing of an artery in or leading to the brain, called a stenosis. Bleeding into the brain or the spaces surrounding the brain causes the second type of stroke, called a hemorrhagic stroke.
Cerebral Artery Stenosis
When an artery inside the skull becomes blocked by plaque or disease, it is called cerebral artery stenosis. Arteries anywhere in the body can become blocked. For example, carotid artery stenosis is a narrowing of the large artery in the neck, the carotid; that supplies oxygen-rich blood to the brain.
Blocked arteries in the heart often lead to a person having a heart attack or chest pain. Blocked arteries in the brain pose special challenges. These arteries are smaller than the carotid arteries and may be buried deep inside the brain, where they are much harder for a surgeon to get to. Without treatment, a cerebral artery stenosis can greatly increase a person's chance of having Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs), mini-strokes or worse.
When the blood supply to our brain is interrupted or reduced, this deprives our brains of oxygen and nutrients, which can cause our brain cells to die. A stroke may be caused by a blocked artery (ischemic stroke) or a leaking or burst blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke).
Some people may experience a temporary disruption of blood flow through their brain (transient ischemic attack). A transient ischemic attack is caused by a temporary decrease in blood supply to part of your brain. TIAs often last less than five minutes. Like an ischemic stroke, a TIA occurs when a clot or debris blocks blood flow to parts of the brain. A TIA doesn't leave many lasting symptoms because the blockage is temporary.
Scientist Dr. Yacobi recommends that to have the best result for a definite treatment is to follow-up with our Programs of Biomedical Therapeutic: “MayX Internol N819”®- Pills, Capsule for Adults and Molecules for Children.
Here are two major causes of a stroke:
1. Blockage of a blood vessel (in the brain or neck) caused by:
- a blood clot in the brain or neck (this is called a thrombosis).
- a blood clot from somewhere else that has moved and now blocks a blood vessel in the brain or neck (this is called an embolism).
- Constriction or narrowing of an artery in the head or neck (this is called a stenosis)
2. Bleeding of a blood vessel (this is called hemorrhagic stroke)
Blockages in the Organs:
Clots and waste material including abnormal protein deposits and cholesterol can cause a stroke. These contaminants enter and accumulate in everyone’s body and, depending on the contamination level, certain functions in the body will be affected. Only one solution to this problem has proven successful: “MayX Internol N819”®!
“MayX Internol N819”®-is SNP Bioscience B.V.’s all-natural treatment for the removal and elimination of contaminants causing blockages in the kidneys, liver, spleen, brain and intestines. “MayX Internol N819”® has shown positive results treating patients with global organ diseases. “MayX Internol N819”® can safely be used by anyone as a preventive measure. This therapeutic line works well when combined with other MayX® products. Positive results have been experienced by Dr. Yacobi’s patients. Over the many years of application to the voluntary patients of Dr. Yacobi, no side-effects have been reported. “MayX Internol N819”®- targets the exact cause for global organ diseases, failure or contamination and can successfully treat it. “MayX Internol N819”®- cleanses and removes waste matter such as crystallized cholesterol from the arteries and allowed them to get blood and oxygen supply to the heart and brain. “MayX Internol N819”®- will unblock clots in coronary artery and prevent us from having a high risk of a heart attack, strokes and peripheral vascular disease, and more. “MayX Internol N819”®- bioscience therapeutics will also help ease blockages throughout the arteries and organs, so that eventually the body’s organs will become rejuvenated.
The Product containing general Internal Cleansing remedy, wastes and toxins for composition per mg/ml. “Organs diseases” treatment has been made special with 100% Natural Bio Science treatment:
The Product containing the general formula for “Organs diseases” It is made in the Netherlands by Scientist Dr. Yacobi. is a natural product that specializes in general cleansing and recovery, composition mg/ml, 100% Natural Bioscience therapeutic treatment.
'Out of the Box' thinker
This is who we are; a clinical private research company that focus on finding solution and natural treatments for human diseases. As an innovative and ‘Out of the Box’ thinker in the medical field, Dr. Yacobi has conducted independent medical research for over thirty years and has discovered the best formula against “Organs diseases, Failures, Contaminants”.
CKD can be divided into five stages, depending on how severe the damage is to the kidneys, or the level of decrease in kidney function. When the kidneys fail, wastes and fluids accumulate and contaminate the body. Most of these patients have no option but to do dialysis treatments (to clean your blood either by machine or in your abdomen), or wait for the availability of a kidney transplant. Dialysis and kidney transplantation are known as renal replacement therapies (RRT) because they attempt to “replace” the normal functioning of the kidneys. With “MayX Internol N819”® there is no need for dialyses. It is made with a special natural formula that concentrates on cleansing the kidneys as well as other vital organs. If the problem is left untreated, the patient can face complications, pain, and ultimately: death. Treatment results can occur as early as 6 month depending on body weight, age and disease history.
“MayX Internol N819”®- this is taken from a patient in the Netherlands with Kidney disease. These mineral waste deposits inhibit proper kidney functions. The function of the kidneys is, among other things, to get rid of the waste products that result from the body's metabolism. One of the major by-products of the metabolism of protein (muscle) is urea. The kidneys remove the waste products by extracting them from the blood and sending them along the ureter to the bladder, from where they are excreted in the urine. If the kidney function fails, the waste products accumulate in the blood and the body. The term for this build-up is azotaemia. “MayX Internol N819”® will cleanse these organs when taken as directed. Guaranteed!
“MayX Internol N819”® This was taken from a patient in the Netherlands suffering with severe chronic Liver disease , Many people with chronic liver problems will have no symptoms at all and may not even know they have a liver problem. Sometimes they develop symptoms only when the liver has been damaged for many years. Liver damage can affect many functions of the body like digestion and vitamin storage. Deteriorated livers lead to many complications and death. “MayX Internol N819”® is made to also cleanse and detoxify the liver as well as the kidneys by dissolving mineral and bacterial waste and expelling them out of the body through the urinary tract. No drugs or surgery is needed, guaranteed!
“MayX Internol N819”® treatment can provide effective relief from the effects of Canadian organ diseases, especially for the kidneys and liver. Guaranteed! “MayX Internol N819”® is made from 100% natural extracts and ingredients that clean these affected organs without any chemical additives or fillers! “MayX Internol N819”®-guarantee results in 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history next pages. In the next pages please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
“MayX Internol N819”® easily removes mineral waste products accumulated from the body safely and without side-effects. Guaranteed!
This picture may look quite beautiful and breath-taking. If this was inside the body, it would be far from beautiful and its affect quite harmful, even lethal! “MayX Internol N819”® cleanses these vital organs with significant results in as little as 6 month depending on age, body weight and disease history. Guaranteed!
“MayX Internol N819”® is made from 100% natural extracts and ingredients that clean these affected organs without any chemical additives or fillers!
“MayX Internol N819”® easily removes mineral waste products accumulated from the body safely and without side-effects. Guaranteed!
“MayX Internol N819”® not only cleanses the kidneys, it can help to start the removal of sugar crystallization from the liver and pancreatic areas. Moreover, other vital organs benefit from using “MayX Internol N819”® as directed.
“MayX Internol N819”® is made to work with all “MayX” products to detoxify the body of metabolic waste material and improve organ recovery.
“MayX Internol N819”® is made to work with all “MayX” products to detoxify the body of metabolic waste material and improve organ recovery. Easily removes mineral waste products accumulated from the body safely and without side-effects. Guaranteed!
“MayX Internol N819”® not only cleanses the kidneys, it can help to start the removal of sugar crystallization from the liver and pancreatic areas. Moreover, other vital organs benefit from using “MayX Internol N819”® as directed.
CKD can be divided into five stages, depending on how severe the damage is to the kidneys, or the level of decrease in kidney function. When the kidneys fail, wastes and fluids accumulate and contaminate the body. Most of these patients have no option but to do dialysis treatments (to clean your blood either by machine or in your abdomen), or wait for the availability of a kidney transplant. Dialysis and kidney transplantation are known as renal replacement therapies (RRT) because they attempt to “replace” the normal functioning of the kidneys. With “MayX Internol N819”® there is no need for dialyses. It is made with a special natural formula that concentrates on cleansing the kidneys as well as other vital organs. If the problem is left untreated, the patient can face complications, pain, and ultimately: death. Treatment results can occur as early as 6 month depending on body weight, age and disease history.
We have outlined a sound course of action to benefit all who wish to invest in our enterprise. We, at SNP BIOSCIENCE B.V. and Yacobi Biomedical, have established an extensive business plan that aims to produce excellent financial returns to all those supporting our new company and its wonderful quality products. “MayX”® will help anyone to have a healthy life-cycle by cleansing and repairing the damage in the body and fight diseases that would put one’s life in serious jeopardy or even death. We have the key to the world’s need for good health and long life. Your support can make this a reality for all to enjoy. Join us in our innovative enterprise where all of us benefit: It is the opportunity of a life time… for a life time! Please see Picture taking by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.
“MayX Internol N819”®- This is a picture taken by a Canadian patient who suffered from severe organ abnormalities. His organs especially the liver, was affected by blockages of waste material and liver parasites like the one shown. This liver fluke was the result of eating under cooked seafood where the eggs of this parasitic creature originated. Parasites like this can cause great distress to the body with many symptoms including: fever, chills, loss of appetite, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), and diarrhea. These parasites can cause liver damage in severe cases. Some liver parasites in humans feed on the bile which increases the risk of bile duct cancer. Taking “MayX” Internol N819 works to cleanse the organs and remove toxins, bacteria and parasites from the body safely with no side-effects. It is made especially to clean and restore the liver and other vital organs, guaranteed!