Hypoglycemia Biomedical Treatment


Diabetes is a common chronic condition which currently affects billion people worldwide. It relates to the blood sugar levels during the metabolic process of digestion which, in certain cases can have a critical effect on the person’s body. Diabetes can be divided into either hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is defined as blood sugar levels dropping too low - below 70 mg/dL. Anyone at risk for hypoglycemia must be aware of its signs and symptoms. The main reason for this is that it may endanger the life of the suffering hypoglycemic patient as well of the lives of the others especially on public roads and streets. Many accidents on the roads caused by hypoglycemia occur because these drivers lose control while experiencing symptoms of hypoglycemia. Certain medications have side-effects which inhibit conscious realization of hypoglycemic symptoms as well. At SNP Bioscience B.V. Dr. Yacobi created MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® to cleanse the liver and pancreatic alpha cell islets to help release glucagon. In the process, hypoglycemic symptoms begin to cease and hypoglycemia loses frequency. After 6 month of taking MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® the risk of sudden or chronic hypoglycemia behind the wheel disappears. We guarantee the results.

Hypoglycemia can happen suddenly. It is usually mild and can be treated quickly and easily by eating or drinking a small amount of glucose-rich foods. If left untreated, hypoglycemia can worsen and cause confusion, clumsiness, tremors, or fainting. Severe hypoglycemia can lead to seizures, coma, and even death. In adults and children older than 10 years, hypoglycemia is relatively uncommon except as a side-effect of diabetic insulin treatment. Hypoglycemia can also result, however, from medication side-effects, other disease symptoms, hormone or enzyme deficiencies, and tumors.

If sugar levels are not balanced one may experience hypoglycemia symptoms (low blood sugar) or hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Both high and low sugar levels have an array of immediate short term symptoms. Chronic and long term blood sugar imbalances cause a host of complications. Long term low blood sugar levels can cause dementia, comas or death. High blood sugar on the other hand is a major cause of internal organ damage. The number one cause of hypoglycemia is over use of medication from insulin, anti-diabetic pharmaceuticals ills and beta-blockers. Severe infections and cancer involving the liver or pancreas, organ failure, and chemotherapy have been known to exacerbate hypoglycemic conditions. This is because hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar (or blood glucose) concentrations fall below a level necessary to properly support the body's need for energy and stability throughout its cells.

Fear of Coma, Brain damage, Impair Brain ability function among parents of Children with Hypoglycemia diseases, we can heal your Child.

Hypoglycemia occurs when the blood sugar is too low to fuel the brain and the body. Glucose is the main source of fuel for the body. Severe hypoglycemia can cause seizure, loss of consciousness, and coma. The brain depends solely on blood glucose as its main source of fuel. Too little glucose can impair the brain's ability to function. Severe or prolonged hypoglycemia may result in seizures and serious brain injury. To prevent severe hypoglycemia, most people with diabetes are advised to treat hypoglycemia by ingesting some fast-acting carbohydrates when blood sugar levels are low. For patients with chronic hypoglycemia their insulin is over active, thereby secreting too much insulin, also their liver does not produce stable levels of glucagon to naturally balance out low sugar levels. Dr. Yacobi has discovered through his extensive research that crystallized waste material hinders the pancreas and liver from stabilizing alpha and beta cell production. As a result this abundance of waste material is what abnormally lowers the blood sugar below normal limits. Scientist Dr. Yacobi has invented “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”®. “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® helps to restore and sustain blood sugar levels naturally. It will cleanse the body of crystallized waste that infests the alpha and beta cells from properly functioning.

We know that the brain depends on blood glucose as its main source of fuel. Also we know that too little glucose can impair the brain's ability to function. Severe or prolonged hypoglycemia may result in seizures and serious brain injury. Many complex factors have an effect on causing hypoglycemia. Such factors include: emotional and physical stress, large amounts of alcohol consumed on a daily basis, caffeine, smoking, nutritional and enzyme deficiencies, other medical conditions, the heavy consumption of refined carbohydrates, (especially sugars) in the diet, allergies and hypothyroidism (low functioning thyroid gland). Long term low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, has been known to aggravate an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia,

It is clearly evident that there are many risks involved with hypoglycemia disease. “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® is a specially designed cleansing and healing product that is used to remove crystallization blocking natural glucagon production in the liver, regulating the balance of insulin overly produced by the pancreas. It is the safest and most natural biomedical treatment for hypoglycemia helping to keep natural insulin and sugar levels balanced and normal. Guaranteed treatment results in as little as 6 month, depending on body size, weight, age, and disease history of the patient. Our treatment will allow the immune system to fight back and remove the crystallized waste balancing liver and pancreatic function. It has a 100% performance guarantee.


Hypoglycemia occurs when the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood is too low. Normally, our bodies keep our blood glucose within a concentration range of 4.0 mmol/L to 8.0 mmol/L (about 70 mg/dL to 140 mg/dL). In order to do this, the body has mechanisms that involve the hormone insulin, which is made by the pancreas, as well as several other hormones. When blood sugar levels rise, the pancreas responds by releasing insulin to encourage the transfer of glucose from the bloodstream to the cells. Insulin lowers the amount of glucose in your blood by signalling the cells in the body to use the glucose as fuel.

Our bodies use glucose as its main fuel. The brain requires a constant supply of blood glucose and will signal the adrenal glands to release two hormones called adrenaline and cortisol whenever blood glucose levels are low. The adrenaline and cortisol then signal the liver to convert the carbohydrates it stores (from the foods we eat) into glucose and release it into the bloodstream.

The pancreas is also involved in raising blood glucose levels if they fall too low. When blood sugar is low, the pancreas releases the hormone glucagon, which increases blood sugar by signalling the liver to convert stored carbohydrates into glucose and to create new glucose molecules from other substances (such as amino acids) in the liver. If these mechanisms don't work properly, the blood glucose remains too low and the brain won't be able to function normally.

Hypoglycemia can also be caused by a problem with the pituitary or adrenal glands, the pancreas, the kidneys, or the liver. The pituitary gland controls the body's production of some of the hormones needed to raise the body's blood sugar levels if they fall too low. These hormones include cortisol, which is released from the adrenal glands; glucagon, which is released from the pancreas; and adrenaline, which is released from the adrenal gland medulla. These hormones all help raise blood sugar levels. If they are not working properly, this could cause hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemia can also result when the liver can't properly store carbohydrates or convert them into glucose. A tumour on the pancreas can also cause hypoglycemia by causing too much insulin to be released. People who drink alcohol excessively (without eating) can develop severe hypoglycemia. In cases of severe kidney dysfunction, hypoglycemia may also develop.


Hypoglycemia can be caused by medications. Medication-related hypoglycemia occurs most commonly in people who have diabetes, especially Type 1diabetes (a type of diabetes where the pancreas does not make insulin). In both type 1 and type 2 diabetes it can occur when someone is given too much insulin or other medications for diabetes that promote the release of insulin from the pancreas in relation to their current level of exercise and diet. This can drastically lower blood sugar, resulting in hypoglycemia. “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® is a product for oral admission. It restores balanced glucose sensitivity in pancreatic beta cells, causing insulin production to switch off before excessive amounts are being produced.

Most tremendous factors for excessive insulin produced in the body (hyperinsulinemia), inborn error of metabolism, medication and poisons, alcohol, hormone deficiencies, prolonged starvation, alteration of metabolism associated with infections and organ failure, “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® is specially formulated to dissolve the crystallized waste material that blocks the proper release of both alpha and beta cells in the pancreas. Only our therapeutic treatment, “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® will safely transport these byproducts through the kidneys and out with the urine. It will help blood glucose levels return to normal. Its performance is 100% natural and with no side-effects reported.

Our brand of biomedicine is new and innovative. “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® is systemic in nature treating hypoglycemia as whole targeting every factor which may cause this condition. It has no known contra-indications, no side-effects and no risk.

“Hypoglycemia disease” is caused by an overproduction of insulin by the endocrine cells of the pancreas (β-cells in islets of Langerhans). Hypoglycemia is the clinical syndrome that results from low blood sugar. The symptoms of Hypoglycemia can vary from person to person, as can the severity. Classically, Hypoglycemia is diagnosed by a low blood sugar levels with symptoms that resolve when the sugar levels return to the normal range. Symptoms include fatigue, tremor, constant hunger, dizziness and confusion. Intake of sugar may give a short relief of symptoms, but also triggers excessive insulin production for unknown causes, resulting in a drop of blood glucose levels and exacerbation of symptoms. The most common forms of Hypoglycemia occur as a complication of treatment of Diabetes mellitus, with insulin or oral medications. Hypoglycemia is less common in non-diabetic persons, but can occur at any age. Among the causes are excessive insulin produced in the body (hyperinsulinemia), inborn error of metabolism, medications and poisons, alcohol, hormone deficiencies, prolonged starvation, alterations of metabolism associated with infection, and organ failure.


If one was to measure their blood sugar and the reading was less than 4 mmol/l (less than 70 mg/dl) they would have a diagnosis of Hypoglycemia. To anyone diagnosed with Hypoglycemia, it’s very important to learn all about this disease and the treatment options available: there are options. “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® is the safest and most natural biomedical treatment. It will cleanse the body of crystallized waste that infests the alpha and beta cells from properly functioning. Taken as directed, sustained glucose levels are guaranteed between 6 and 36 month of treatment. Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.


Hypoglycemia is a condition that usually results from an over active pancreas (too much insulin) and an under active adrenal gland. When the pancreas is over active, it is secreting too much insulin, thereby, lowering the blood sugar below normal limits. As mentioned before, when this happens the adrenal glands secrete a hormone to raise the blood sugar level but in hypoglycemia the adrenals are under active therefore they are unable to raise the blood sugar level sufficiently. “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® will prove you that it’s the only solution for Hypoglycemia by removing the waste products that inhibit normal endocrine functions, guaranteed! Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.



Low blood glucose or hypoglycemia is one of the most common problems associated with insulin treatment, but it can also happen to people with diabetes taking pills. In general, hypoglycemia is defined as a blood glucose level below 70 mg/dl. However, severe hypoglycemia that causes mental confusion, antagonistic behaviors, unconsciousness, or seizures is a reason for alarm “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® will help restore sustained blood sugar levels naturally and with no side effects. We guarantee it! Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.


“MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® dissolves the crystallized blockages caused by bodily waste material in such a way that it is removed via the kidneys and out through the urinary tract. This unique innovative method is exclusive only to Snp Bioscience Bv’s biomedical line of therapeutic products. We guarantee prolonged results between 6 and 36 month of treatment. Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.


“MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® dissolves the crystallized blockages caused by bodily waste material in such a way that it is removed via the kidneys and out through the urinary tract. This unique innovative method is exclusive only to Snp Bioscience Bv’s biomedical line of therapeutic products. We guarantee prolonged results between 6 and 36 month of treatment. Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi. Glucose is a sugar that comes from food. Mainly found in carbohydrates, it gives us our bodies’ energy. Without enough glucose, our bodies cannot perform its normal functions. Our blood sugar is considered low when it drops below 70 mg/dL. Eating regular meals and taking “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® will prove that there is no need for other drugs, guaranteed! Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. M.A. Yacobi.



“MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® is the safest and most natural biomedical treatment. It is made from 100% natural extracts and ingredients. There are contra-indications, no side effects and no risk guaranteed! Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.


Current medical advances in the treatment of hypoglycemic episodes are often the limiting factor in achieving optimal blood sugar control, because many medications that are effective in treating diabetes carry the risk of lowering the blood sugar level too much, causing symptoms of hypoglycemia. To a diabetic this appears to be major dilemma. To anyone diagnosed with hypoglycemia there are options available. “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® is the safest and most natural biomedical treatment that has prolonged positive results guaranteed! Please see the picture taken by our scientist and innovator, Dr. Yacobi.


Hypoglycemia is a common complication of treatment of diabetes mellitus. The potential neurological complications of hypoglycemia as seizures and coma are well-recognized entities. A hypoglycemic episode is a risk factor for a patient with diabetes to have cardiovascular complications. Myocardial ischemia and infarction are known to occur in the setting of hypoglycemia. Taking “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® as directed will help prevent the onset of these cardiovascular complications guaranteed. Please see the picture taken by our scientist, Dr. Yacobi.



What makes “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® so unique is that anyone who takes it as directed at times can witness and see what the body is rejecting from the affected areas and organs as a sediment. This sediment is the waste material that blocks insulin and blood sugar regulation. Please see the picture taken by Dr. Yacobi.


What makes “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® so unique is that anyone who takes it as directed at times can witness and see what the body is rejecting from the affected areas and organs as a sediment. This sediment is the waste material that blocks insulin and blood sugar regulation. Please see the picture taken by Dr. Yacobi.


These objects in this image come from the organs, including the pancreas, the liver and the brain. It is awe inspiring to imagine a natural treatment that seriously cleans the body with no risk and harm to humans! The body stores a cache of sugar in the liver as glucagon. If this store is needed, the body goes through a biochemical process called glucose-neo-genesis (meaning to "make new sugar") and convert these stores of glucagon to sugar. This backup process emphasizes that the fuel source of sugar is important (important enough for human beings to have developed an evolutionary system of storage to avoid a sugar drought). This is why it is important to cleanse these organs of crystallization and other toxic material and allow them to heal and function again. The brain needs glucose to function and the brain is responsible for regulating endocrine processes. In order to solve this problem, it is imperative to cleanse ALL areas affected by hypoglycemia. This is guaranteed using “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® as directed for 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history. Please see the picture taken by our Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.



“MayX Hypoglycemium K138”®- is the safest and most natural biomedical treatment. It is made from 100% natural extracts and ingredients. There are contra-indications, no side effects and no risk guaranteed! Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.

Innovation drives progress. When it comes to innovation in the development of new drugs and therapeutic biological products, Government Agency or Health Canada supports the pharmaceutical industry at every step of the process. With its understanding of the science used to create new products, testing and manufacturing procedures, and the diseases and conditions that new product like “MayX Crystallization C100”® is designed to treat, heal and Stop Symptoms of “Diabetes”, “MayX Crystallization C100”® is the only therapeutic treatment that exists today can alleviate diabetes. SNP Bioscience BV. ultimate goal of developing effective treatment for health problems. “MayX Crystallization C100”® dissolve the residual crystallized waste products that block insulin production in the pancreas and expel them from the body through the urinary tract with no side-effects reported, guaranteed! SNP Bioscience, BV. works to gain knowledge on the main principles of how the human body works and to find new ways for health-giving, treating “Diabetes disease” by developing advanced diagnostic tools or new therapeutic strategies .

Health Canada provides scientific and regulatory advice needed to bring new therapies to market. The availability of new drugs and biological products often means new treatment options for patients and advances in health care for the Canadian public and in the world. 


Positive results

Positive results seem to last longer than with other competing pharmaceuticals and products. “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”®- is safe for ALL people, including pregnant women and their new born babies. This is because “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”®- is made from 100% natural extracts and ingredients: free from chemicals and toxin. For over 25 years no side-effects have been experienced or reported taking “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”®-. At SNP Bioscience Bv, our goal is to one day, be able to help everyone in desperate need find relief from the suffering of “Hypoglycemia disease”.

Important foods to avoid:

Scientist Dr. Yacobi recommend his patients “should not consume” any of listed food and beverage and some drug interactions can even be harmful to you. Avoiding the habitual use of alcohol, Candies, chocolate, coffee, black tea, cola drinks, energy drinks, sodas, sports gels, sports goo, pain drugs, tobacco, avoid bad fats, Fatty red meat, deep fried food, Sugar, artificial sweeteners, colourings, preservatives, fast food and various drugs is harmful to the average person and in no way promotes better body function.

Product Form:

Scientist Dr. Yacobi recommend his patients “should not consume” any of listed food and beverage and some drug interactions can even be harmful to you. Avoiding the habitual use of alcohol, Candies, chocolate, coffee, black tea, cola drinks, energy drinks, sodas, sports gels, sports goo, pain drugs, tobacco, avoid bad fats, Fatty red meat, deep fried food, Sugar, artificial sweeteners, colourings, preservatives, fast food and various drugs is harmful to the average person and in no way promotes better body function.

“MayX Hypoglycemium K138”®- can and is intended to be produced and sold as a liquid Pills, liquid molecular or capsules.

“MayX Hypoglycemium K138”®- has been tried and tested and is ready to enter the registration process. User Experience – Last but not least the Product Manager is the voice of the user inside the business and must be passionate about the user experience. Again this doesn’t mean being a pixel pusher on the other hand, the Product Manager needs to be out there testing the product, communicating with users and getting their feedback first hand – especially in the start-up phase and that's something we have been doing for the last 30 years.

Entrepreneurs, Pharmaceutical, doctors, patients and peoples believes that “Health Canada” approval process will be significantly accelerated. This is because our formulas are made from 100% natural sources that have proven to be safe for human consumption since 1985. Our products are free from any toxic chemical no reported cases of side-effects were experienced by the thousands of voluntary subjects who tested our products. It is the mission of pharmaceutical research companies to take the path from understanding a disease to bringing a safe and effective new treatment to patients. SNP Bioscience BV. works to piece together the basic causes of disease at the level of genes, proteins and cells. Out of this understanding emerge “targets,” which potential new drugs might be able to affect. validate these targets, discover the right molecule (potential drug) to interact with the target chosen, test the new compound in the lab and clinic for safety and efficacy and gain approval and get the new drug into the hands of doctors and patients. This whole process takes an average of 10-15 years we have been doing it for the last 25 years.

The batches of “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”®- for the registration process can be produced in the same laboratory production line that is required for the production of “MayX”®, SNP Bioscience BV’s treatment for Severely type 1 of “Hypoglycemia disease”, and this is the baseline for the following projections:

For patients suffering from a “Cholesterol Crystal” blockages such as “Hypoglycemia” for the last 30 years or more, then it may take 6 month or up to 36 month to successfully treat the disease. For those patients suffering from “Hypoglycemia” for the last 5-10 years or more, then it may take 6 month to 12 month for a long lasting relief. Healing time depends on severity and complication to the individual’s immune system. One needs to work in harmony with their own body's natural defences by giving it a natural "product" to fight against this immune system disease!

100 % Natural Oil and Minerals The “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”®-, is a specially formulated cleansing and healing treatment that is used to remove residual sugar crystallization. “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”®- brand, is made with 100% natural, toxin free, chemical free extracts made from the highest-quality natural ingredients and sometimes rare to find. Tastes and smells, like natural herbs with no side-effects whatsoever. We can produce capsules and pills or mineral drops for children under 2 years old. “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”®- is a natural treatment for people suffering from the severely “Hypoglycemia disease” with no side-effects reported.

  • Natural Oil = 0.014 Ml/Gram
  • Side-effects, Risk = Free (0%)
  • Phosphate = 11.235 Mcg/g
  • Iron = 6:31 Mcg/Mg
  • Chemical = Free (0%)
  • Vitamins = A,B,C
  • Toxin = Free (0%)

Age limitations “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”® can be used by adults and children from 1 week and older. The dosage is 3 times a day. “MayX Hypoglycemium K138”®- packaging is supplied in liquid molecule, Pills in plastic bottle with a content of (90 pills x 6,12,24,36 month). We have 4 types of packages: supplies for 6 month, 12 month, 24 month, and 36 month.

Some patient’s “Hypoglycemia” condition is normal level or high risk; some will need to take the medication for a short time only while others will have to do so for longer periods, all depending on their disease history. Some patients may be overweight and will therefore need extra capsules in each dose (depending on body mass and rate of metabolism). Although it is difficult to more accurately do so for longer periods, all depending on their disease history. Some patients may be overweight and will therefore need extra capsules in each dose (depending on body mass and rate of metabolism).