Salt: too much, too dangerous.
In moderate levels salt is essential for life to exist. All foods, natural and processed, have some level of salt present. Form balancing our bodies’ fluids to enhancing the taste of food; we simply cannot live without salt. However, it’s the overuse of salt that causes health problems and is a major factor contributing to hypertension, heart disease, and strokes. Not all salt is the same. There are differences between standard, refined table or cooking salt most people are accustomed to using and unrefined natural sea salt. These differences can have a major impact on staying healthier, or increasing the risk of diseases we want to avoid. Sea salt has an array of mineral properties that benefit the body to some minor extent whereas refined salt is processed and chemically treated and fortified with other mineral contents such as iodine.
This doesn't mean that Djiboutian salt from the Red sea or Himalayan salt has healing properties but will help damage the body less than refined salt. All food on earth, including drinking water has sodium and salt contents present. The majority of food for human consumption has extremely high levels of sodium and salt content. In some cases, a serving of food can have almost an entire day’s worth of sodium. Even a serving of celery has 100mg of sodium! 100mg is low compared to other mostly processed foods. Obviously any food, no matter how healthy, can have damaging potential if consumed in excess. The fact of the matter is simple: too much salt in our diet can have a catastrophic impact on our metabolic and cardiovascular health!
Salt-reduced diets can help regain higher quality of health. The impact of salt and sodium in particular can strain and damage the heart, kidneys and liver. For anyone who has medical issues relating to salt such as hypertension, we strongly recommend reducing one’s level of salt consumption. Hypertension is one of the main factors contributing to heart disease. If salt is needed for cooking, we also recommend using natural sources of salt and in small amounts only. If salt and sodium has caused extreme hypertension damaging the body we recommend using “MayX Tensionol F712”®. “MayX Tensionol F712”® is formulated to dissolve and remove mineral salt waste material from the body and expel it through the urinary tract naturally and safely guaranteed!
Pregnant mother and her Fetus
During pregnancy, there is an increase in the resistance of blood vessels. This may hinder blood flow in many different organ systems in the expectant mother including the liver, kidneys, brain, uterus, and placenta. Although many pregnant women with high blood pressure have healthy babies without serious problems, high blood pressure can be dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. Women with pre-existing, or chronic, high blood pressure are more likely to have certain complications during pregnancy than those with normal blood pressure. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, in a mother-to-be can affect her unborn baby in many ways. Severe gestational hypertension can lead to preeclampsia or eclampsia, which are known simply as severe seizures. When the hypertension becomes too severe, the risks for complications increase dramatically. High blood pressure in pregnancy can be treated with better lifestyle changes such as healthy eating and increased activity levels. This alone cannot guarantee healthy success. What a pregnant woman needs to control blood pressure and keep her kidneys clean of toxins for her baby’s health is Dr. Yacobi’s therapeutic formula, “MayX Tensionol F712”®. It is made from all-natural ingredients safe for both mother and baby 100 % Guaranteed!
Hypertension is a common disorder during pregnancy and may be present in up to 15 % of all pregnancies. Increased cardiac output and blood volume are normal vascular changes that occur during pregnancy. Typically, blood pressure decreases during the first trimester. However, blood pressure gradually increases from around gestational week 30. If the systolic/diastolic blood pressure reaches 140/90, it is defined as pregnancy-induced hypertension.
If this is accompanied by protein-urea, the risk for eclampsia or severe seizures increases immensely. This condition is associated with a major increase in maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Before blood pressure levels reach this critical point, it is strongly advised for the mother-to-be to keep getting some form of physical activity each day, such as walking.
Some conditions may increase the risk of developing this condition, including the following: Pre-existing hypertension (high blood pressure), Kidney disease, Diabetes, Hypertension with a previous pregnancy, multiple fetuses (twins, triplets). Physical activity can help reduce hypertension symptoms. When these risk factors are present, physical activity may not be enough. To avoid this problem and prevent any harm to both, mother and child, consult with a qualified physician all options to lessen problems from high blood pressure.
Although there are many pharmaceutical options available, none of which are chemicalfree, side-effect free, risk-free for both mother and baby. Only “MayX Tensionol F712”® works successfully to reduce blood pressure to normal levels and guarantees these results when taken as directed. For expecting mothers with predisposition of risk factors such as Kidney disease and Diabetes, taking “MayX Tensionol F712”® during pregnancy will cleanse both mother and baby of the toxic waste material that causes unstable blood pressure, guaranteed!
As our body mass index rises, so does our risk for coronary heart disease. CHD is a condition in which a waxy substance called plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood from our hearts to the rest of the body. This Plaque can narrow or block the coronary arteries and reduce blood flow to the heart muscle. This can cause a heart attack or angina to our overweight children.
Being overweight increases a child's risk for a number of diseases and conditions, including: Sleep apnea, which is a serious, potentially lifethreatening breathing disorder characterized by brief interruptions of breathing during sleep. Over a long period of time, Sleep apnea has been identified as a factor leading to heart failure.
Overweight children are more likely to have high blood pressure that can strain the heart and can trigger organ failure and blockages, gallstones, menstrual problems, Asthma and more. Excess salt increases our blood pressure. High blood pressure is the major factor which causes heart failure, heart attacks, and strokes: the leading causes of death and disability. An excessively high salt intake is also responsible for causing stomach cancer, osteoporosis, obesity, kidney stones, kidney disease, vascular dementia, and water retention.
In high quantities, salt can also exacerbate the symptoms of asthma. Obesity has 20 times the increased risk for developing diabetes compared to normal sized children. Moreover, obesity significantly increased the risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and gallstones. Perhaps even more compelling is the strong link between excess weight and depression, because this common mood disorder can have a profound, negative impact on peoples’ daily lives.
In the next following pages one can find the solution and how to treat hypertension. The trend concerns the whole population but more frequently families with low incomes. The consequences of that trend with regard to health are becoming worrisome and have negative economic impacts. Finding treatment against obesity is the only realistic solution. Presently scientist Dr. Yacobi is conducting tests on children with obesity issues. The good news is that we have seen tremendous results from the urinary tracts of many overweight children. Dr. Yacobi has found that children using our treatment have had significant amounts of waste material including, salts and residual fat by-products expelled from their urine. As these waste materials are removed from their bodies they also have increased energy levels and lose weight. This is accomplished by allowing obese children to cleanse their bodies of this waste material by dissolving it and having it safely removed from their body through their urinary tracts. Our treatment has shown that it will allow our obese children to cleanse fatty by-products accumulated without any pain or issues. Our therapeutic treatment is made from 100% natural extracts and ingredients and has the potential to increase the health of children around the world. With the investor's support this treatment may be made available to the world by the year 2016.
What happens to our brain cells when they aren’t provided the healthy nutrients they need to survive? It’s simple. They starve and die! A little bit of junk food on occasion won’t hurt. However, consumption of unhealthy food or drinks on a consistent excessive basis without any nutritious food will cause brain cells to die. For example many young people are consuming volumes of energy drinks. These energy drinks contain high quantities of sugar, chemical additives and dangerous amounts of stimulants such as caffeine. It’s the stimulants that give the sense of energy that attracts many young people. These stimulants have negative side-effects on normal people’sbodies and minds. They have slight narcotic effects and can be addictive. The physical side-effects of energy drink consumption is even greater for young people who already have heart problems, mood or behavioural disorders, seizures, or can strongly increase the risk of hypertension. At SNP Bioscience B.V. we encourage living a drug-free lifestyle. “MayX Tensionol F712”® has absolutely no narcotic effects whatsoever. “MayX Tensionol F712”® can help restore the organs’ functions affected by these harsh stimulants without any side-effects reported. This is achieved by dissolving the waste material accumulated from the metabolic breakdown of these chemicals in the kidneys and brain and expelling them through the urinary tract safely. We guarantee it!
Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the inside of the arteries as the heart pumps the blood through the body. High blood pressure is often called “the silent killer” because it typically has no symptoms until after it has done significant damage to the heart and arteries.
Hypertension doesn't lead to artery blockage. Artery blockage causes of certain types of hypertension, but not all. For the most part, the problem with having high blood pressure is that it makes the body work harder. The heart has to beat harder. As a result the arteries are pushed harder and become weakened by this overload of work. “MayX Tensionol F712”® removes toxins and salt from the body especially from the liver, processing food nutrients and helping to regulate body metabolism. A range of conditions can prevent the liver from performing its vital functions.
Secondary Hypertension People with Secondary Hypertension often have blood pressure that is more difficult to control with one or two medications. Also, there can be other symptoms related to the medical illness that is causing the hypertension.
Secondary hypertension is a type of hypertension with an underlying, potentially correctable cause include primary aldosteronism renal parenchymal disease, glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis, polycystic renal disease, connective tissue disorders, obstructive, renovascular disease, pheochromocytoma, Cushing syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hyperthyroidism, myxedema, and coarctation of the aorta.
Most of the conditions that cause secondary hypertension cannot be prevented. However, regular check-ups with physicians and healthcare providers can help detect many conditions before they become serious, including those that can lead to high blood pressure. Using less salt helps to lower the risks of developing high blood pressure. Avoiding or reducing processed foods lowers the risks as well. In fact, most of the salt in the average diet comes from processed foods. Physical activity has been shown to reduce hypertension symptoms and complications. Avoiding stressful situations and managing stress also has been proven to reduce hypertension.
How is it treated? Physicians and healthcare providers may recommend additional pharmaceutical treatments to help lower ones blood pressure, such as diuretics or other medicines that reduce blood pressure. These treatments can lower systolic and diastolic numbers easily. These treatments do come with side effects. Rather than consuming chemical-based pharmaceutical drugs, Dr. Yacobi has discovered the most natural and safest treatment to: lower, balance and sustain healthy blood pressure. “MayX Tensionol F712”®- is not only safe for mothers-tobe and their unborn children; it is safe for everyone regardless of gender and age. We at SNP Bioscience B.V. guarantee success when used as directed!
The “MayX Tensionol F712”®, is a specifically formulated cleansing and healing product that is used to remove high levels of sodium inside the organs for those with abnormal sodium sensitivity. Sodium sensitivity has an array of symptoms including: severe headaches, dizziness, fatigue, confusion, nausea, erratic heartbeat, blood in urine. Sodium sensitivity is a cause of hypertension and heart disease. This excess surplus of toxic sodium waste material is dissolved and expelled from the body through the urinary tract.“MayX Tensionol F712”®- treatment results for sodium tolerance and reduction of symptoms have been reported as early as 3 month into treatment!
After taking “MayX Tensionol F712”® scientist, Dr. Yacobi advises patients to collect and filter their urine and gather the solidified waste material. This waste material ought to be shipped directly to Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory where it will be fully analyzed. The analysis will discover and reveal a variety of toxic chemical deposits including cholesterol crystal residue. When used as directed, as the treatment continues blood pressure readings will begin to return to normal levels. Collection and filtration of urine samples is always recommended throughout the treatment process for further analysis and treatment progress. Results are guaranteed in as little as 6 month! Treatment duration depends solely on body size, age, weight, and patient disease history.
“High blood pressure” is the number one risk factor for stroke and a major risk factor for heart disease. “High blood pressure” is when the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated and the heart has to work harder than normal to pump blood through the blood vessels. Heart disease is one of the biggest silent killers of epidemic proportions worldwide. Having hypertension (or high blood pressure) means that the pressure to which the arteries pump blood from the heart to the rest of the organs and throughout the body is too great. This “abnormal blood pressure” puts great stress on the heart and ultimately contributes to premature death. However, if we maintain a diet high in sodium, smoke or drink excessively, or eat rich fatty and sugary processed foods, the risk increases for developing hypertension with age.
“Hypertension” or “high blood pressure” is a cardiac chronic medical condition in which the systemic arterial blood pressure is elevated. Factors that correlate with high blood pressure levels are numerous. They include: sleep apnea, obesity, lack of exercise, which leads to weight gain and undue pressure on the heart, drug use and alcohol consumption, poor diet, stress, hormonal conditions, etc. These factors cause the body to produce a greater amount of steroid hormones than needed. This surplus of steroid hormones will put pressure on the body and result in “hypertension”. Hypertension is classified as either primary (essential) hypertension or secondary hypertension. About 90-95% of cases are categorized as ´primary hypertension´, which means high blood pressure with no obvious medical cause. The remaining 5-10% of cases (secondary hypertension) is caused by other conditions that affect the kidneys, arteries, heart or endocrine system.
Persistent Hypertension is one of the risk factors for cerebral-vascular accidents (stroke), myocardial infarction, heart failure and arterial aneurysms, and is a leading cause of chronic kidney failure. Most of the time, there are no symptoms. For most patients, high blood pressure is discovered when they visit their healthcare provider or have it checked and measured elsewhere. Since there are no obvious symptoms, people can develop heart disease and kidney problems without knowing they have high blood pressure.
When blood pressure reaches 180/110 or higher, a serious condition known as a hypertensive crisis may occur. This can lead to a stroke, renal (kidney) failure, heart attacks, or loss of consciousness. Hypertension may not produce any symptoms, even if one has had it for years. This is why hypertension is sometimes referred to as a "silent killer." It is estimated that 1 out of every 5 people with high blood pressure aren’t aware that they have this major risk factor for strokes and heart attacks. If not properly treated, high blood pressure can damage the heart and circulation, lungs, brain, and kidneys without causing noticeable symptoms!
At SNP Bioscience B.V. we understand heart disease and its devastating consequences. “Hypertension” is one major contributor to heart disease. “Hypertension” affects millions of people worldwide. Changes in diet are beneficial in reducing blood pressure; however, diet alone is not enough. On the market today there are many pharmaceutical options to help lower blood pressure.
There is some relative success with these medical options. However blood pressure medications from beta blockers to blood thinners have many reported side-effects. Most side-effects are mild yet major side-effects were reported including dangerous risks to health for pregnant women, blood sugar instability in diabetics and erectile dysfunction. We at SNP Bioscience B.V. have a solution to treat hypertension with NO risk to human health and with no side-effects.
This is a market of endless possibilities and we invite you, the investors, to be a part of this great leap forward! We are proud to introduce Dr. Yacobi’s all-natural solution to combat “Hypertension”, “MayX Tensionol F712”®.
Market size: In several major countries an average of more than 20% of the population suffers from Hypertension or a measurable elevated blood pressure level. The hypertension drugs presently on the market require continuous use. They reduce the blood pressure while being used, but they don’t result in a lasting improvement. These medications interact with other medicines negatively. Side-effects reported are mainly mild including fatigue, yet harmful side-effects have been also reported including health risks to pregnant women and their unborn children, high blood pressure level of sodium instability in Hypertension patients and erectile dysfunction in men.
Heart diseases can take many forms, such as coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, or vascular stroke. The heart disease causes are as varied as the different types of heart diseases. Some of the most common causes of heart disease include changes in the heart activity, Atherosclerosis, infections and birth defects. The most common heart disease causes: Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Type 2 Diabetes, Smoking and Thrombosis.
Your Artery and Narrowing
High blood pressure can damage the cells of your arteries' inner lining. That launches a cascade of events that make artery walls thick and stiff, a disease called Arteriosclerosis.
Coronary artery disease
Coronary artery disease affects the arteries that supply blood to your heart muscle. Arteries narrowed by coronary artery disease don't allow blood to flow freely through your arteries. When blood can't flow freely to your heart, you can experience chest pain, a heart attack or irregular heart rhythms.
The constant pressure of blood moving through a weakened artery can cause a section of its wall to enlarge and form a bulge.
Enlarged left heart
High blood pressure forces your heart to work harder than necessary in order to pump blood to the rest of your body. This causes the left ventricle to thicken or stiffen These changes limit the ventricle's ability to pump blood to your body. This condition increases your risk of heart attack, heart failure and sudden cardiac death.
Heart failure
Over time, the strain on your heart caused by high blood pressure can cause your heart muscle to weaken and work less efficiently. Eventually, your overwhelmed heart simply begins to wear out and fail. Damage from heart attacks adds to this problem.
Brain Damage
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) , Stroke, Dementia, Mild cognitive impairment
Damage to your Kidneys
Kidney failure, Kidney scarring, Kidney artery aneurysm,
“MayX Tensionol F712”®- “The only Solution for these problems”
Guaranteed Healing:
100% performance guaranteed!! Patients can at times see results come out of their urine as sediment. We can guarantee it! “MayX Tensionol F712”®- is the only solution to naturally treat “Hypertension” and can help sustain normal blood Pressure without the need of any other drugs. We guarantee prolonged relief in as little as 6 month depending on body size, weight, age, and disease history. Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
Damage of the Arteries -controlling medications:
The largest ever study – representing millions people – shows that most people with “High Blood Pressure” are not getting the proper treatment they need to reduce their risk of the amount of force exerted against the walls of the arteries as blood flows through them - “MayX Tensionol F712”®- can stop the walls of the arteries are receiving too much pressure repeatedly - The treatments reverse the above described processes so that the infected arteries and other affected parts of the body regain their original healthy function. The pressure needs to be chronically elevated for a diagnosis of “Hypertension disease” to be confirmed. In medicine chronic means for a sustained period; persistent.
Mode of action in the matter of Arteries Damage By Dr. Yacobi.
Efficient break-down of immune complexes is the principal working mechanism of the biomedical medicines, after which normal removal mainly through kidneys and urine takes place. “MayX Tensionol F712”®- is specially formulated to target these problematic microscopic blockages of the arteries using this exact process. “MayX Tensionol F712”®- is a product for oral admission. Its mode of action is the dissolving of immune complexes. These immune complexes are the result of waste material in the body that affect the heart and other organs especially the kidneys. This waste material inside the body and organs produce the symptoms of “hypertension”. It works to dissolve the waste products from these affected organs and expel them from the body through the urinary tract with no risk and no side-effects. Indication: “MayX Tensionol F712”®- is an all-naturally formulated treatment to alleviate patients suffering from the effects of “Hypertension” (high blood pressure).
“MayX Tensional F712”® Performance:
The largest ever study – representing millions people – shows that most people with “high Blood Pressure” are not getting the proper treatment they need to reduce their risk of “Hypertension disease”. Pharmaceutical treatment for “MayX Tensionol F712”® is known to produce side-effects. The “MayX Tensionol F712”®, is a specifically formulated cleansing and healing product that is used to remove high levels of sodium for those with abnormal sodium sensitivity. Sodium sensitivity has an array of symptoms including: severe headaches, dizziness, fatigue, confusion, nausea, erratic heartbeat, blood in urine. Sodium sensitivity is a cause of hypertension and heart disease. Results of sodium tolerance and reduction of symptoms as reported as early as 3 month into treatment. Guaranteed results in 6 to 36 month, depending on body size, weight, age and disease history. “MayX Tensionol F712”® therapeutic treatment will also ease to help and unclog blockages in the arteries, so that eventually these will be clean, restored and functioning like they were never damaged!
Scientist Dr. Yacobi recommends that to have the best result for a definite treatment is to follow-up with our Programs of Biomedical Therapeutic: “MayX Tensionol F712”®- Pills, Capsule for Adults and Molecules for Children.
"Out Of The Box"
As an innovative and ‘Out of the Box’ thinker in the medical field, Dr. Yacobi has conducted independent medical research for over thirty years and has discovered the best formula against “Hypertension or High Blood Pressure” is a specifically formulated cleansing and healing product that is used to remove high levels of sodium for those with abnormal sodium sensitivity. Sodium sensitivity has an array of symptoms including: severe headaches, dizziness, fatigue, confusion, nausea, erratic heartbeat, blood in urine. Sodium sensitivity is a cause of hypertension and heart disease. It is the safest and most natural biomedical treatment for “Hypertension or High Blood Pressure”
The Product containing general Internal Cleansing remedy for “High Blood Pressure” composition per mg/ml. “Hypertension” disease treatment has been made special with 100% Natural Bio Science treatment:
The Product containing the general formula for “Hypertension disease” It is made in the Netherlands by Scientist Dr. Yacobi. is a natural product that specializes in general cleansing and recovery, composition mg/ml, 100% Natural Bioscience therapeutic treatment.
“MayX Tensionol F712”® The following image was taken by Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory from a patient with “Hypertension” and this was the result please “see the photo above” taken by Scientist Doctor Yacobi. “High blood pressure” or “hypertension” is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood to the body and contributes to hardening of the arteries, or “Atherosclerosis”, and to the development of heart failure. Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory identified this sample as cholesterol build-up. “MayX Tensionol F712”® will help cleanse the body of cholesterol crystals that contribute to hypertension. It is the only solution for Hypertension that can successfully bring Stage 2 high blood pressure levels: 160 and above over 100 and above to go back to normal ranges guaranteed! Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
These plaques were identified by Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory as ones found in the patient’s kidneys after taking “MayX Tensionol F712”®. The patient’s blood pressure level successfully returned to normal after 6 month of treatment. We guarantee results like this! Please see the next picture taken by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.
After taking “MayX Tensionol F712”® this waste material was discovered from the patients urine. Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory identified this sample as residual mixer of Cholesterol, Toxin deposits. After taking “MayX Tensionol F712”® as directed his blood pressure returned to normal! Please see the next picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
“MayX Tensionol F712”® The following image was taken by Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory from a patient with “Hypertension” and this was the result please “see the photo above” taken by Scientist Doctor Yacobi. “High blood pressure” or “hypertension” is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood to the body and contributes to hardening of the arteries, or “Atherosclerosis”, and to the development of heart failure. Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory identified this sample as cholesterol build-up. “MayX Tensionol F712”® will help cleanse the body of cholesterol crystals that contribute to hypertension. It is the only solution for Hypertension that can successfully bring Stage 2 high blood pressure levels: 160 and above over 100 and above to go back to normal ranges guaranteed! Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
These plaques were identified by Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory as ones found in the patient’s kidneys after taking “MayX Tensionol F712”®. The patient’s blood pressure level successfully returned to normal after 6 month of treatment. We guarantee results like this! Please see the next picture taken by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.
Cholesterol crystal accumulation had been removed from his body through the urinary tract and this was the result! Taking “MayX Tensionol F712”® helped bring down his blood pressure without any side-effects, guaranteed! The patient was able remove this from his body by taking “MayX Tensionol F712”®. Please see the next microscopic photo taken by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.“MayX Tensionol F712”®. I wonder who can perform better or even come closer to “MayX Tensionol F712”®. Show me!
After taking “MayX Tensionol F712”® this waste material was discovered from the patients urine. Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory identified this sample as residual salt deposits. This high volume of sodium was one of the reasons for this patient’s “hypertension”. After taking “MayX Tensionol F712”® as directed his blood pressure returned to normal! Please see the next picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
After taking “MayX Tensionol F712”® this waste material was discovered from the patients urine. Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory identified this sample as residual salt deposits. This high volume of sodium was one of the reasons for this patient’s “hypertension”. After taking “MayX Tensionol F712”® as directed his blood pressure returned to normal! Please see the next picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
“MayX Tensionol F712”® was taken by this patient with “hypertension” as a result of abnormal hormone levels in the kidneys. This residual waste was identified as salt sediments found in the patient’s urine. “MayX Tensionol F712”® can easily and safely remove the waste material from the body and expel it through the urinary tract. After taking “MayX Tensionol F712”® the patient’s blood pressure levels became stable and his kidney functions improved significantly. Please see the following picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
“MayX Tensionol F712”® was taken by this patient with “Hypertension” as a result of abnormal hormone levels in the kidneys. This residual waste was identified as salt sediments found in the patient’s urine. “MayX Tensionol F712”® can easily and safely remove the waste material from the body and expel it through the urinary tract. After taking “MayX Tensionol F712”® the patient’s “blood pressure levels” became stable and his kidney functions improved significantly. Please see the following picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
This was from a patient of Dr. Yacobi with “Secondary Hypertension” as a result of kidney disease that took “MayX Tensionol F712”®. This waste material was identified as toxins that festered in the renal areas. After removing this waste material from the body, the patient’s blood pressure reached normal levels. It is likely that this patient’s “Hypertension” issue was caused by the waste that is seen in this picture. “MayX Tensionol F712”® works to eliminate these underlying causes of “Hypertension”: bodily waste and toxins. We guarantee results in as little as 6 month! Please see the next picture taken by scientist, Dr. Yacobi
“MayX Tensionol F712”® The following image was taken by Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory from a patient with “Hypertension” and this was the result please “see the photo above” taken by Scientist Doctor Yacobi. “High blood pressure” or “hypertension” is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood to the body and contributes to hardening of the arteries, or “Atherosclerosis”, and to the development of heart failure. Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory identified this sample as cholesterol build-up. “MayX Tensionol F712”® will help cleanse the body of cholesterol crystals that contribute to hypertension. It is the only solution for Hypertension that can successfully bring Stage 2 high blood pressure levels: 160 and above over 100 and above to go back to normal ranges guaranteed! Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
“MayX Tensionol F712”® was taken by this patient with “hypertension”. Cholesterol crystal accumulation had been removed from his body through the urinary tract and this was the result! Taking “MayX Tensionol F712”® helped bring down his blood pressure without any side-effects, guaranteed! Please see the next picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
Diseases of the kidneys can cause “secondary hypertension”. This type of “secondary hypertension” is called “renal hypertension” because it is caused by a problem in the kidneys. One important cause of “renal hypertension” is narrowing (stenosis) of the artery that supplies blood to the kidneys (renal artery). This was identified by Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory as the waste material that causes stenosis. The patient was able remove this from his body by taking “MayX Tensionol F712”®-. Please see the next microscopic photo taken by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.