Sugar is filled into our most of our foods. It is loaded into our soft drinks, fruit juices, sports drinks, and hidden in almost all processed foods—from hot dogs to pretzels; from bread to cheese spread. Most infant formula nowadays has the sugar content similar to one can of pop, so babies are being metabolically poisoned from day one by taking formula. Excess sugar depresses immunity suppress the body’s immune responses.
The more sugar in our system, the less Vitamin C can get into our white blood cells. Sugar weakens our children's immune systems. It suppresses the immune system from fighting back against pathogens. The higher a pregnant woman’s level of blood sugar, the greater the risk of complications to her newborn child. The newborns were also more likely to have low blood sugar levels and high insulin levels if their mothers’ blood sugar levels were higher. The older the child gets, the more problems increase. The problems can lead to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, dementia, and Cancer later in life.
The best solution to address this problem is “MayX Crystallization C100”®. It’s specially formulated to remove residual crystallization infesting the entire body.“MayX Crystallization C100”® is safe for ALL people, including pregnant womenand their new born babies. This is because “MayX Crystallization C100”® is made from 100% natural extracts and ingredients: free from chemicals and toxins. For over 25 years no side-effects have been experienced or reported taking “MayX Crystallization C100”®.
Every time we eat food, our blood sugar levels rise. In the process of digestion the pancreas produces insulin which brings blood sugar levels back to normal levels. Normal blood sugar levels range between 4-6 mmol/l (82-110 mg/dl). What would happen if our blood sugar levels exceed these normal ranges more often than usual? High blood sugar is the number 1 indication of an endocrine condition that affects a growing number of people in the developed world. Consistently high blood sugar levels means that the body is not producing any or little insulin. Lack of insulin can only mean Diabetes. Lack of natural insulin can lead to a vast range of complications that affect the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, sex drive and many others.
Treatment today includes a variety of pharmaceutical products from oral pills to insulin injections. Blood and urine testing is also necessary to help monitor and regulate diabetic symptoms. Diet and exercise affect the progression of diabetes and help control it as well. These treatments help to control symptoms but come with costs. Too much insulin means that diabetic patients can experience a state of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar that can impair their judgement and pose a danger to others. Too little insulin can lead to high blood sugar levels that pose a threat to a diabetic patient’s physical being. The financial costs are also high. At SNP Bioscience BV., we have the solution to help diabetics alleviate the effects of diabetes with no side-effects and no risks. We call it “MayX Crystallization C100”®. It will dissolve crystallized blockages in the body and transport it through the kidneys and out from the urine. It will prevent patients from having high blood sugar and help their immune system reject the residual crystallized waste out of the body. It is 100% natural and its performance is guaranteed or your money back.“MayX Crystallization C100”® has helped many people with diabetic issues around the world since 1985.
People can get diabetes at any age. Type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes are the three main kinds. Type 1 diabetes, formerly called juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes is usually first diagnosed in children, teenagers, or young adults. With this form of diabetes, the beta cells of the pancreas no longer make insulin because the body's immune system has attacked and destroyed them. Treatment for type 1 diabetes is to take “MayXCrystallization C100”® medicine 3 pills a day, making wise food choices, follow Dr.Yacobi’s biomedical diet and being physically active. Along with monitoring blood pressure and cholesterol taking “MayX Crystallization C100”® is sufficient to live a stable and normal life.
Type 2 diabetes; formerly called adult-onset diabetes or non insulin-dependent diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. People can develop type 2 diabetes at any age—even during childhood. This form of diabetes usually begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which fat, muscle, and liver cells do not use insulin properly. At first, the pancreas keeps up with the added demand by producing more insulin. In time, however, it loses the ability to secrete enough insulin in response to meals. Being overweight and inactive increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes. Treatment for Type 2 diabetes today includes a regimen of diabetes medicine and consistent blood testing. These medications have many side effects including gas, bloating, weight gain, edema, low glucose and heart and kidney failure. Taking “MayX Crystallization C100”®, eating properly and being more physically active there is no need for taking other diabetes medication.“MayXCrystallization C100”® dissolve the residual crystallized waste products that block insulin production in the pancreas and expel them from the body through the urinary tract with no side-effects reported, guaranteed!
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy (1). The definition applies whether “MayX Crystallization C100”® or only diet modification is used for treatment and whether or not the condition persists after pregnancy. It does not exclude the possibility that unrecognized glucose intolerance may have existed prior to or became accompanied with the pregnancy. “MayX Crystallization C100”® can be taken for gestational diabetes in women, with mild to severe symptoms without posing a danger to the mother and the unborn child.
Some women develop gestational diabetes during the late stages of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is caused by the hormones of pregnancy or a shortage of insulin. Although this form of diabetes usually goes away after the baby is born; a woman who has had it is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life.
Diabetes is finally being recognized as a global epidemic, with the potential to cause a worldwide healthcare crisis. Where is the diabetes at its worst? Which countries are most seriously affected by diabetes and how is this going to change?
The diabetes situation in each country is different in terms of the scale of the problem, the type of problem and the ability of the healthcare systems to deal with the problem. Symptoms of diabetes include: Increased thirst, increased hunger, having to urinate more often – especially at night
Feeling very tired, weight loss, blurry vision, sores that do not heal, tingling/numbness in the hands and feet. People who are concerned that they might have diabetes should talk to their doctor or health care provider to find out how to get tested for diabetes.
A blood test called a fasting plasma glucose (FPG) or an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), ordered by a doctor or health care provider can detect diabetes. What Complications (Problems) are Caused by Diabetes? If blood sugar is consistently high, over time it can affect the heart, eyes, kidneys, nerves, and other parts of the body. These problems are called complications. Sometimes people with diabetes don't realize that they have the disease until they begin to have other health problems.
Complications of diabetes include: Heart Disease – People with diabetes have a Higher Risk for hypertension, heart attack and stroke. Eye Complications –People with diabetes have a higher risk of blindness and other vision problems. Kidney Disease – Diabetes can damage the kidneys and may lead to kidney failure. Nerve Damage (neuropathy) – Diabetes can cause damage to the nerves that run through the body, foot problems, nerve damage, infections of the feet, and problems with blood flow to the feet can be caused by diabetes, left infected may lead to amputation of limbs.
Skin Complications – Diabetes can cause skin problems, such as infections, sores, and itching. Skin problems are sometimes a first sign that someone has diabetes. Dental Disease – Diabetes can lead to problems with teeth and gums, called gingivitis and periodontitis.
Scientist Dr. Yacobi recommends that to have the best result for a definite treatment is to follow-up with our Programs of Biomedical Therapeutic: “MayX Crystallization C100”®- Pills, Capsule for Adults and Molecules for Children.
The “MayX Crystallization C100®, is a specially formulated cleansing and healing treatment that is used to remove residual sugar crystallization. This treatment will allow the immune system to fight back and reject the sugar crystallization that exists within the human body. Diabetes is the inability of glucose to enter the cells. “MayX Crystallization C100® balances and lowers glucose levels in the bloodstream and boosts the cells to be able to produce energy for the body. When diabetes is not carefully managed by keeping the amount of sugar in the blood at the right level, the resulting high glucose amounts wreak havoc on nearly every organ system in the body. “MayX Crystallization C100”® is a very powerful natural product that has a 100% performance guarantee.
As an innovative and ‘Out of the Box’ thinker in the medical field, Dr. Yacobi has conducted independent medical research for over thirty years and has discovered the best formula against “Diabetes” and this is the baseline for the following projections:
The Product containing general Internal Cleansing remedy for “Diabetes” composition per mg/ml. Each Type of Diabetes disease has been made special with 100% Natural Bio Science treatment:
The Product containing the general formula for “Diabetes” It is made in the Netherlands by Scientist Dr. M. A. Yacobi. is a natural product that specializes in general cleansing and recovery, composition mg/ml, 100% Natural Bioscience therapeutic treatment.
The following image came from a 60 year old man, who had been suffering from “diabetes”. After the 60 year old man himself was tested by Dr. Yacobi and took our therapeutic treatment “MayX Crystallization C100”® the following result was released through the patient’s urine. (Refer to the images listed above) A person has two kidney arteries--one delivers blood to the left kidney, while the other delivers blood to the right kidney. Kidney arteries break off into several other smaller arteries. If these kidney arteries become fully or partly blocked by crystallization waste, it may lead to kidney failure. Our special formulated therapeutic medicine will allow the immune system to fight back and expel crystallization waste and toxins that exist inside the diabetic patient; “MayX Crystallization C100”® will fully cleanse the pancreas and other organs affected by diabetic crystallized waste material. Dr. Yacobi has continuously helped numerous patients worldwide. We have the mindset of achieving our goals to help everyone one day, and hope that day is soon to come. Please take a look at the microscopic images. It allows you to gain a better understanding of the problem we are trying to treat and prevent.
Our therapeutic Biomedicine “MayX Crystallization C100”® is a very powerful treatment that is made from 100% natural extracts with a performance guaranteed to work since 1985. It has been used by thousands of volunteer patients, worldwide seeking genuine treatment of diabetes from Scientist, Dr. Yacobi. Here you find other type of bacteria and crystallization blockages that have been found in the pancreas and kidneys.
Our therapeutic Biomedicine “MayX Crystallization C100”® works successfully for patients of all ages, Crystals are not only seen in adults, but they are also observed in children and infants also. Diabetes is the inability of glucose to enter the cells. The result is that the bloodstream has a high amount of glucose and cells are not able to produce energy for the body. When diabetes is not carefully managed by keeping the amount of sugar in the blood at the right level, the resulting high glucose amount becomes toxic to the cells and starves them of energy. “MayX Crystallization C100”® is the best solution to treat, stabilize and reverse diabetes and eliminate crystallization blockages. “MayX Crystallization C100”® cleanses crystallized waste through the urine and allow the immune system to fight back and be function properly. This picture has been released by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi from a 74 years old man that was very ill from diabetes. By looking at the picture anyone can tell that the blockage is severe.
The following image is from a patient, who had been suffering from diabetes with terrible blockages and other infections. After the child himself was tested by Dr. M.A Yacobi and took our therapeutic medicine, “MayX Crystallization C100”®, the following contents were expelled through the child’s urine. (Refer to the images listed above) This remarkable treatment will allow the immune system to fight stabilize and rid the crystallized refuse existing inside the body; “MayX Crystallization C100”® will fully cleanse and heal the effected parts of the body. Scientist, Dr. Yacobi has proactively helped numerous diabetic children worldwide. At SNP Bioscience Bv, our goal is to one day, be able to help everyone in desperate need find relief from the suffering of diabetes. We hope that day will soon come! Please take a look at the microscopic images. It will allow you to gain a betterunderstanding of the problem were trying to solve.
Kidney arteries break off into several other smaller arteries. If these kidney arteries become fully or partly blocked by crystallization waste, it may lead to kidney failure. Our special formulated therapeutic medicine will allow the immune system to fight back and expel crystallization waste and toxins that exist inside the diabetic patient; “MayX Crystallization C100”® will fully cleanse the pancreas and other organs affected by diabetic crystallized waste material. has continuously helped numerous patients worldwide. We have the mindset of achieving our goals to help everyone one day, and hope that day is soon to come. Please take a look at the microscopic images. It allows you to gain a better understanding of the problem we are trying to treat and prevent.
The following image came from a patient from USA, who had suffered from diabetes with infected kidneys. After the child himself was tested by Dr. Yacobi and was given “MayX Crystallization C100”® this came out from the patient’s urine. (Refer to the images listed above) Severe kidney infection can lead to life-threatening complications. Types of kidney infection symptoms include back pain, frequent urination, cloudy urine with a strong odor, nocturia (urge to urinate during the night), burning sensation on urination, stomach pain or pressure, fever, hematuria (blood in urine) and groin pain. Taking “MayX Crystallizations C100”® helped this patient remove the toxic crystallized waste material blocking the kidneys and allowing the immune system to fight the infection and let it heal. “MayX Crystallization C100”® will fully cleanse these sugar waste by products from the body. Thousands of people worldwide have found relief of their diabetic plight thanks entirely to Scientist, Dr. Yacobi. Please take a look at the following microscopic images and see the problems we aim to solve.
“MayX Crystallization C100”® has been used to treat many thousands of volunteer patients worldwide with extraordinary high success since 1985. We have thousands of similar photos of what has been expelled from the urine of patients who followed our treatment and advice. Microscopic imagery can show us pancreatitis disease also. Pancreatitis, acute or chronic, is the inflammation of the pancreas. This inflammation is often caused by pancreatic duct blockage that happens when the main duct is blocked resulting in the juices that would normally flow through the pancreas getting blocked up inside the organ. In worst cases these juices can actually start to break down the pancreas. “MayX Crystallization C100”® will fully cleanse the pancreatic ducts of toxic sugar crystallization allowing the inflammation to ease and heal guaranteed! Please take a look at the microscopic images and see for yourself what we aim to solve.
The following image came from a 60 year old man, who had been suffering from diabetes. After the 60 year old man himself was tested by Dr. M.A Yacobi and took our therapeutic treatment “MayX Crystallization C100”® the following result was released through the patient’s urine. (Refer to the images listed above) A person has two kidney arteries--one delivers blood to the left kidney, while the other delivers blood to the right kidney. Kidney arteries break off into several other smaller arteries. If these kidney arteries become fully or partly blocked by crystallization waste, it may lead to kidney failure. Our special formulated therapeutic medicine will allow the immune system to fight back and expel crystallization waste and toxins that exist inside the diabetic patient; “MayX Crystallization C100”® will fully cleanse the pancreas and other organs affected by diabetic crystallized waste material. has continuously helped numerous patients worldwide. We have the mindset of achieving our goals to help everyone one day, and hope that day is soon to come. Please take a look at the microscopic images. It allows you to gain a better understanding of the problem we are trying to treat and prevent.
The following image displayed came from a 2 year old child from Europe, who had been suffering from diabetes and a terrible infection. After being given our therapeutic biomedicine, this was released from the child’s urine. (Refer to the images listed above) “MayX Crystallization C100”® will allow the immune system to fight back and remove the toxic crystallization that infested this child; “MayX Crystallization C100”® will fully cleanse and heal the body of patients of ANY age safely and without risk! At SNP Bioscience Bv, we aim to help anybody and everybody from babies to the elderly, guaranteed! Please take a look of the microscopic images taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
Our therapeutic biomedical treatment, “MayX Crystallization C100”® is a very powerful formula made from 100% natural extracts and ingredients. Taken as directed, its performance is far superior to any product that exists on the market today. We guarantee it! Since 1985 Scientist Dr. M.A. Yacobi’s formula has been able to extract bacteria and harmful sugar crystallization blockages like this from the pancreas and kidneys of many thousands of satisfied patients.