Cholesterol is found in foods that come from animal sources, such as egg yolks, meat, and cheese. Some foods have fats that raise cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance. It doesn’t dissolve in water and therefore can't travel through the blood by itself. High cholesterol comes from a variety of sources, including our family history and diet. Blood clots can travel to the arteries or veins in the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs and limbs, which in turn can cause a heart attack, stroke, damage to the body’s organs or even death. Heart attacks are among the scariest of health crises.
Heart attacks are the most frequent causes of death in the developed world. In fact, someone in America dies every 37 seconds from some form of cardiovascular disease or 800,000 Americans each year die from heart attack or stroke. Statistically, 1 in every 3 deaths results from some form of cardiovascular disease. The most common risk factor for cardiovascular disease is excessively high levels of LDL cholesterol. The best solution to this problem is “MayX Cholesterol H212”® treatment will allow the immune system to fight back and remove the bad cholesterol that exists inside the human body.
“MayX Cholesterol H212”® safely cleanses the arteries and circulatory organs of men and women of all ages. The treatment is made from 100% Natural extracts and ingredients with no chemicals or toxins added. For over 25 years, there are no side-effects and risks reported from thousands of volunteer patients using “MayX Cholesterol H212”®. Used as directed, we guarantee successful results to all who use “MayX Cholesterol H212”®Do not wait for this problem to worsen. Take action now!
Canada First Nations, Inuit and Métis people greater risk of heart disease and stroke
Canadian Researchers have shown that Aboriginal peoples are more likely to have high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes which; put First Nations, Inuit and Métis people at an even greater risk of heart disease and stroke than the general population. First Nations’ clash of traditional and modern lifestyles, have negatively impacted their health with many risks of heart attack, high blood pressure, and stroke.
In Canada about 1 of every 1000 babies born have some form of heart defect, representing 1% of births. These heart defects range from a tiny hole that will never require treatment to a life-threatening heart defect in which blood carrying oxygen and nutrients is pumped throughout the body. 300,000 adults, who as children, have had surgery to correct a congenital heart defect. In 2010, heart transplants were performed in five provinces: British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. In 2010, there were 167 heart transplants that occurred in Canada. Although transplant statistics reflect the Canadian population as a whole, the increased potential for transplant surgery is very high for First Nations peoples. With increased risk of heart disease in aboriginal communities and an unforeseeable long waiting list for organ donors, “MayX Cholestol H212”® is the perfect all-natural, drug-free, and side-effect free solution to treat and fight heart disease. With “MayX Cholestol H212”®, there is no need for dangerous surgery. Who would want their love ones or children to suffer from the risks of a heart attack or put their child’s name on a waiting list for transplant? Nobody!
The Honourable Justin Trudeau has shown great interest in our project and its great potential future in Canada. We are looking forward to working with elected members and ministries of the Government of Canada by offering this treatment to the Canadian people. We hope that we can together put a stop to heart disease symptoms by cleansing the waste material causing blockages in the arteries and allow them to heal with no risks. We can guarantee the ability to significantly lower the risk of a heart attack and Stroke. We can also guarantee that patients and their doctors can witness and experience with their own eyes what will come out from the patients’ urine: many residues and waste material including pure blockages of crystallized cholesterol! “MayX Cholestol H212”® will prove that it’s the only solution for all Cholesterol problems without the need of any other treatment. This is a very unique treatment discovered almost 30 years ago that works! We guarantee relief in the first 2 month if used as directed.
We recommend that all patients ought to take “MayX Cholestol H212”® every year at least 1 or 2 doses per day for 90 days to keep healthy cholesterol levels low and to prevent risk of heart attack and stroke. We guarantee the best treatment especially for First Nations, Inuit and Métis people that have limited access to emergency rooms and health-care facilities due to the isolation of First Nation communities.
Anyone showing heart attack warning signs needs to receive medical treatment right away. Don't wait more than a few minutes—five minutes at most — to call 911. Emergency personnel have the equipment needed to start the heart beating again. Emergency medical personnel can give a variety of treatments and medications at the scene. Emergency medical personnel carry drugs and equipment that can ease the medical situation, including oxygen, heart medications such as nitroglycerin, pain relief treatments such as morphine, and defibrillators: equipment that restarts the heart if it stops beating. There are many risks that increase the chance of a heart attack or heart damage caused by certain conditions, such as coronary artery disease, a heart attack, heart surgery or infections, such as Lyme disease and infections in the heart. Problems with the balance of electrolytes in the blood, such as high levels of potassium, can greatly contribute to a heart attack. Certain medicines used to treat heart rhythm problems or high blood pressure can reduce the risk of a heart attack. Unfortunately these medications have the risk exhibiting many side-effects. These side-effects vary from mild such as dry mouth to the most severe such as liver complications. Surgery, such as angioplasty, is a common procedure to treat arterial blockages. However, not every blockage can be treated with angioplasty. Some patients who have several blockages or a blockage in certain locations may need coronary bypass surgery.
Patients will always be weary of what type of medication they are taking. Heart disease is the leading killer of men and women in the developed world. However, that doesn’t mean one can’t protect themselves from the ravages of this disease. In addition to exercise, proper diet: being careful about what to eat—and what not to eat can help one lower cholesterol, control blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and maintain a healthy weight. This is one element of prevention. Still these by themselves do not eliminate the problem entirely. The risk is always there, since the cholesterol blockages still fester inside the body. The only solution to this problem is to fight against the real potential of a heart attack, stroke or death is to take “MayX Cholestol H212”®. We have helped improve and save thousands of lives of voluntary patients during our trial period many years before. Dr. Yacobi has followed-up on his voluntary patient’s progress and formulas with extraordinary results!
We have the testimony of one volunteer patient from Canada diagnosed with excessively high levels of cholesterol. He sought help from his family physician who was unable to help get the patient’s LDL cholesterol levels under control. Although he made some life style changes, his levels had soared out of control, and he was referred to a cardiac specialist. The specialist conducted a barrage of tests prescribed many types of medications. Our patient’s risk of a heart attack escalated from high to critical despite all the specialist could do with known medical techniques and practices.
In desperation, he came to us seeking help. We asked him to discontinue his prescribed medication and to take 1 dose of “MayX Cholestol H212”® 3 times a day and to collect urine samples during the treatment period. With nothing to lose, he did just that. Within a few weeks he saw the cholesterol blockages leaving his body through his urinary tract. This was what he found when these samples were collected!
To this day, our Canadian patient’s cholesterol levels are within normal ranges. His risk of a heart attack or complication has been reduced to extremely low levels of occurrence. The beauty of this treatment is that literally the presence of excessive cholesterol is leaving the body! There is nothing like this anywhere in the world. “MayX Cholestol H212”® is a specially formulated cleansing and healing product that is used to remove abnormally excessive cholesterol deposits from the blood and liver, which increases strain on the internal organs and heightens risks of high blood pressure, heart disease and a wealth of other related problems. “MayX Cholestol H212”® will prove that it is the only natural solution for cholesterol control without the need of any other medications. Guaranteed results in 2 to 36 month, depending on body size, weight, age and disease history of the patient. The following treatment will allow the immune system to fight back and reject the bad cholesterol.
“MayX Cholestol H212”® is SNP Bioscience BV's innovative therapeutic product to address the harmful epidemic of excessive cholesterol disease. It is to be taken orally, and works by dissolving the chemical properties of cholesterol from the blood and liver and expelling it through the urine, if taken in accordance with the specific prescriptions and advice, thereby reducing the cholesterol levels thus improving cardiovascular performance. This formula is new and innovative and hence should be of interest to patent. It has an excellent track record of volunteer patients’ recovery for many years under Dr. Yacobi’s care. “MayX Cholestol H212”® has never been marketed and has no known side-effects.
Cholesterol is a type of fat that circulates in the blood. Cholesterol comes from two sources:
- The body makes some cholesterol on its own, regardless of what a person eats.
- Cholesterol also comes from the foods eaten. Cholesterol is found only in animal products. Foods from plants do not contain cholesterol.
Common Treatments:
Medicines can help control high blood cholesterol, but they don’t alleviate the problem. Thus, a patient must continue taking these medicines to keep the cholesterol level in the acceptable range. Moreover, the side effects of these medicines are numerous and potentially dangerous even fatal.
Cholesterol can't travel in the blood on its own. It's carried through the blood by special proteins. These combinations of cholesterol and protein carriers are called lipoproteins.
There are two types of lipoproteins:
- Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs, or "bad" cholesterol)
- High-density lipoproteins (HDLs, or "good" cholesterol)
Think of LDLs as delivery trucks and HDLs as garbage trucks. LDLs pick up cholesterol from the liver and deliver it to cells. HDLs remove excess cholesterol from the blood and take it to the liver. A person's total cholesterol level is a combination of LDL and HDL cholesterol.
The need for reduction of the blood Cholesterol Level is getting much attention. Statins are a class of pharmaceuticals presented as the ‘wonder drug’ which block certain enzymes in the blood thereby reducing cholesterol levels. There was potential to meet these expectations. However, serious side-effects from use had been reported, including nerve damage and the loss of memory. On the other hand, “MayX Cholestol H212”® also reduces cholesterol levels by dissolving the chemical properties of cholesterol from the blood and liver and expelling it through the urine. All without any known side-effects to the body! In a large part of the industrialized world an estimated 25% of the population has a high or borderline-high cholesterol levels. Please see below the Contract indication in regarding “MayX Cholestol H212”®-
Treatment Period
50 years of age and up will take 12 -36 month to treat and lower cholesterol levels. Patients, under 50 years of age treatment will take 6 month to see a significant drop in cholesterol levels 100% guaranteed, if the directions are strictly followed. Patients can literally see at times cholesterol crystals from everywhere inside the body expelled from their bodies through their urine, guaranteed! “MayX Cholestol H212”®- will prove that it is the only solution to naturally alleviate cholesterol related problems with no drugs and no side-effects. Time of treatment depends on body weight, age and disease history. Please see the following picture taken by Scientist Dr. Yacobi. Cholesterol molecules crystallize throughout the arteries and liver. This crystallization causes clotting and heart attacks. Dr. Yacobi has discovered a revolutionary formula, made from 100% natural extracts that dissolve these harmful cholesterol crystals so that they can safely exit the body through the urinary tract.
Cholesterol-controlling medications:
The largest ever study – representing 147 million people – shows that most people with high cholesterol levels are not getting the proper treatment they need to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease such as heart attack and stroke despite use of pharmaceutical methods. Our treatment, however, targets the cause of cholesterol damage and remedies All organs and aspects of this epidemic and returning them back to normal healthy function. In his extensive research, Dr. Yacobi discovered the correlation between cholesterol crystals to cardiovascular attacks and how to treated it. “Cholesterol crystals”, known to be a catalyst for heart attacks and strokes, also cause cells to send out danger signals that can lead to the inflammation and hardening of arteries. Past research has shown that as cholesterol builds up along the wall of an artery, it crystallizes from a liquid to a solid state and expands. As the crystals expand, they can disrupt plaque and cause clotting, leading to cardiac attacks. As the cholesterol crystallizes (these) crystals, which are sharp, needle like structures, poke their way through the cap covering the cholesterol deposit... the cellular level, is that the crystals are an early cause rather than a late consequence of inflammation”.
Scientist Dr. Yacobi recommends that to have the best result for a definite treatment is to follow-up with our Programs of Biomedical Therapeutic: “MayX Cholestol H212”®- Pills, Capsule for Adults and Molecules for Children.
The “MayX Cholestol H212”®, is a specially formulated cleansing and healing product that is used to remove abnormally excessive cholesterol fat from the blood and liver, which increases strain on the internal organs and heightens risks of high blood pressure, heart disease and a wealth of other related problems. “MayX Cholestol H212”® will prove that it is the only natural solution for cholesterol control without the need of any other medications. Guaranteed results in 6 to 36 month, depending on body size, weight, age and disease history of the patient. The following treatment will allow the immune system to fight back and reject the bad cholesterol that exists inside the human body. 100% performance guarantee.
Using biomedical techniques and natural extracts, these crystals are dissolved in a way the body can remove them safely through the urine. This is from a British Patient that been very ill with high levels of cholesterol, which almost led to a potential heart attack or stroke. After his visit to Scientist, Dr. Yacobi, he took “MayX Cholestol H212”® and this patient had experienced with his own eyes what came out from his urine, pure blockages of crystallized cholesterol! “MayX Cholestol H212”® will prove that it’s the only solution for Cholesterol problems without the need of any other medication. This is a very unique treatment discovered over 30 years ago. Guarantee relief in 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history. Please see picture taken from the laboratory by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
When there is too much cholesterol in the bloodstream, there is a risk of cholesterol deposits building up and causing blockages. This greatly increases the danger of blood clots, strokes and heart attacks. An individual with high cholesterol is more likely to develop serious conditions such as coronary heart disease, stroke and TIA (mini stroke). Using only “MayX Cholestol H212”® will prove that it is the only all-natural solution for cholesterol disease, guaranteed! Please see the following picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
This is from a British patient that been very ill with high level of cholesterol, which almost led to a potential heart attack or stroke. After his visit to Scientist Dr. Yacobi, he took “MayX Cholestol H212”® where the patient experienced with his own eyes what came out from his urine, pure blockages of Cholesterol! Following-up this patient’s cholesterol levels had dropped down to normal levels while taking “MayX Cholestol H212”®. Please see the following picture taken from the laboratory by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
Blockages of the heart can be induced by a number of clinical as well as lifestyle factors. Chief among these causes are coronary artery diseases such as atherosclerosis, high cholesterol levels in arteries, physical and emotional stress and poor diet! Carotid artery blockage symptoms may manifest due to high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes and obesity, besides high cholesterol. Blockages of the carotid artery may lead to a massive stroke in its worst form! Other causes of cardiac blockages include Myocarditis, Cardiomyopathy, Lev's Disease and Pulmonary Valve Stenosis.
High cholesterol itself does not cause any symptoms; so many people are unaware that their cholesterol levels are too high. Therefore, it is important to find out what one’s cholesterol rates through regular blood testing? Lowering cholesterol levels that are too high lessens the risk for developing heart disease and reduces the chance of a heart attack or dying of heart disease, even if one already has it. This is from a patient that has been very ill with high level of cholesterol. After visiting Scientist, Dr. Yacobi, he took “MayX Cholestol H212”® where the patient has experienced cholesterol expelled from his urine and levels returned to normal. Using “MayX Cholestol H212”® guarantees results like this for you or anyone you know with high cholesterol levels. Please see the picture taken from the laboratory by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
Abnormally high levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream are a major factor causing cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease causes heart attacks and Cerebrovascular Accidents (CVA) commonly known as a stroke. “ MayX Cholestol H212”® will help prevent these tragic often fatal events by eliminating crystallized cholesterol from the blood and liver safely through the urine,guaranteed! Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
When there is too much cholesterol (a fat-like substance) in our blood, it builds up in the walls of our arteries. Over time, this buildup causes "hardens the arteries" so that our arteries become narrowed and blood flow to the heart is slowed down or blocked. The blood carries oxygen to the heart, and if enough blood and oxygen cannot reach our hearts, we may suffer chest pain. If the blood supply to a portion of the heart is completely cut off by a blockage, the result is a heart attack. By taking “MayX Cholestol H212”® this patient witnessed with his own eyes the cholesterol blockages that came out from his urine. In fact, heart disease is the number one killer of women and men in the United States of America. Each year, more than a million Americans have heart attacks. Roughly half million people die from heart disease. Please see the following picture taken from the laboratory by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi
This was taken from a patient who suffered with high level of cholesterol. This coronary blockage was caused by an extremely unhealthy level of cholesterol and other factors including: arterial spasms, inflammation, electrical impulse block, high blood pressure and smoking. “ MayX Cholestol H212”® is a very unique biomedical treatment discovered over 30 years ago, with extremely positive results. Pending on body weight, age, and disease history; following our directions results as early as 6 month, guaranteed! Please see the following picture taken from the laboratory by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
Chronic pancreatitis, a disorder caused by cholesterol build-up in the pancreas, can lead to a variety of complications, including the following: 1) Blockage of the ducts that drain the pancreas and gallbladder, which can lead to jaundice (yellowing of the skin) and bouts of worsening pancreatitis. 2)Blockage of the upper intestine. 3) An increased risk of pancreatic cancer “MayX Cholestol H212”® helps remove excess cholesterol from the major filter organs including the liver, gall bladder and pancreas guaranteed. Please see the picture taken from the laboratory by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.
Abnormally high levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream are a major factor causing cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease causes heart attacks and Cerebrovascular Accidents (CVA) commonly known as a stroke. “MayX Cholestol H212”®- will help prevent these tragic often fatal events by eliminating crystallized cholesterol from the blood and liver safely through the urine, guaranteed! Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.