Atheresclerosis Biomedical Treatment


Coronary artery disease is caused by a buildup of fatty, waxy deposits inside the arteries. These deposits are made up of cholesterol, calcium, and other substances in the blood. This buildup is called "atherosclerotic plaque" or simply "plaque." Excessive amounts of plaque deposits can clog the coronary arteries and make them stiff and irregular. This phenomenon is called "hardening of the arteries." There can be a single blockage or multiple blockages, and they can vary in severity and location. These deposits slowly narrow the coronary arteries, causing the heart to receive less blood and oxygen. This decrease in blood flow may cause chest pain (angina), shortness of breath or other symptoms. A complete blockage can cause a heart attack.

Heart bypass surgery can be used to treat heart disease when the coronary arteries are blocked. Cardiac surgeons treat the problem by giving the blood a new pathway to the heart. One’s physician may recommend a minimally invasive coronary artery bypass if one has a blockage in one or two coronary arteries, usually at the front of the heart. When one or more of the coronary arteries become partly or totally blocked, the heart does not get enough blood. This is called ischemic heart disease or simply coronary artery disease. It can cause great chest pains.

There are many risk factors involved. For example, stented arteries develop a blood clot at the stent site. This blood clot is a shortcoming of angioplasty surgery: a medical procedure to unblock clogged arteries. These blood clots can cause a heart attack, stroke, or other serious problems. The risk of blood clots is greatest during the first few months after the stent is placed in the artery. These stents often are used to keep clogged heart arteries open, despite the increased probable risk of secondary blood clots. Heart disease (atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries) is the #1 killer of both men and women in the world. Other risk factors, including impaired fasting glucose, triglycerides and triglyceride-rich lipoprotein remnants, lipoprotein (a), homocysteine, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, contribute to an increased risk of coronary and cardiovascular diseases.

Why would anyone go through these dangerous uncertain procedures and risk their life? MayX Atheroscol D212® will unblock every clot in the coronary artery and prevent the affected person’s potentially high risk of a heart attack, stroke and peripheral vascular disease. “MayX Atheroscol D212”® is made from a special natural formula that concentrates specifically on the arteries of the body throughout the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, kidneys. Taking “MayX Atheroscol D212”® guarantees a full clean-up of the arteries and will help erase the plaque blockages restoring the arteries to normal acceptable levels.


“MayX Atheroscol D212®- Has been given to over 10 000 patients of Dr. Yacobi diagnosed with Atherosclerosis, with a track record of excellence and high success for over 25 years. It has been followed-up by Dr. Yacobi over the years and no side-effects were ever reported! It is produced and developed but never marketed.

Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up inside the arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to other parts of the body. This plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances deposited in the blood. Over time, this plaque hardens and narrows the arteries. As a result, different diseases may develop based on which arteries are affected.

The exact cause of Atherosclerosis is not known. However, studies show that Atherosclerosis is a slow, complex disease that may start as early as childhood. Atherosclerosis may start when certain factors damage the inner layers of the arteries. These factors include smoking, high blood pressure, high amounts of sugar in the blood due to insulin resistance or diabetes. Plaque may begin to build up where the arteries are damaged. Over time, this plaque accumulates and solidifies, thus narrowing the arteries.

Eventually, an area of plaque can rupture (break open). When this happens, blood cell fragments called platelets stick to the site of the injury. They may clump together to form blood clots. Clots narrow the arteries even more, limiting the flow of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Depending on which arteries are affected, blood clots can worsen angina (chest pain) or cause a heart attack or Cerebrovascular Accidents (CVA), commonly known as a stroke.

The great news to those who suffer with Atherosclerosis is that we have solution to remedy this terrible problem. At SNP Bioscience BV, we have an all-natural therapeutic product that addresses the root problem of Atherosclerosis and reverse its catastrophic progression! We are proud to introduce our remarkable product: “MayX Atheroscol D212®.


Our brand of biomedicine is new and innovative. “MayX Atheroscol D212® is systemic in nature treating “Atherosclerosis” as whole targeting every factor which may cause this condition. It has contra-indications, no side-effects and no risk.

Atherosclerosis is a slow, progressive disease that may begin as early as childhood. Although the exact cause is unknown, Atherosclerosis may start with damage or injury to the inner layer of an artery. The damage may be caused by:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol, often from getting too much cholesterol or saturated fats in your diet
  • High triglycerides, a type of fat (lipid) in your blood
  • Smoking and other sources of tobacco
  • Diabetes

Guaranteed Healing:

100% performance guaranteed patients can at times see results come out of their urine as sediment. We can guarantee it! “MayX Atheroscol D212®- is the only solution to naturally treat Atherosclerosis and can help sustain normal blood Cholesterol levels without the need of any other drugs. We guarantee prolonged relief in as little as 6 month depending on body size, weight, age, and disease history. Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.

Arteries Clogged with fatty deposits-controling medications:

The largest ever study – representing millions people – shows that most people with high cholesterol levels are not getting the proper treatment they need to reduce their risk of Atherosclerosis disease. The treatments reverse the above described processes so that the infected arteries and other affected parts of the body regain their original healthy function. Like water through a pipe, blood flows through your arteries, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your organs. Atherosclerosis occurs when your arteries become clogged with fatty deposits (known as plaque), causing them to lose their elasticity and narrow. This blocks or slows the smooth passage of blood. Plaque is a sticky, yellow substance made up of fatty materials such as cholesterol, calcium, and waste products from your cells. Atherosclerosis is a slow, progressive condition that may begin as early as childhood. It can occur anywhere in the body but usually affects large and medium-sized arteries.

Mode of action in the matter of Arteries Blockages by Dr. M.A. Yacobi

Efficient break-down of immune complexes is the principal working mechanism of the biomedical medicines, after which normal removal mainly through kidneys and urine takes place. “MayX Atheroscol D212®- is specially formulated to target these problematic microscopic blockages of the arteries using this exact process. Atherosclerosis is thought to start when the inner lining of the artery becomes damaged. The blood vessel wall reacts to this injury by depositing fatty substances, cholesterol, calcium and other substances on the inner lining of the artery. This plaque formation gradually narrows the blood vessels, making it harder for blood to flow. Plaque can also break apart and cause a blood clot to form on the broken surface or move through the bloodstream, and prevent smooth blood flow to nearby organs. The resulting blood clot can also travel to other parts of your body and block blood flow to other organs.

"MayX Atheroscol D212"® Performance"

The largest ever study – representing millions people – shows that most people with high cholesterol levels are not getting the proper treatment they need to reduce their risk of Atherosclerosis disease. Pharmaceutical treatment for Atherosclerosis is known to produce side-effects. “MayX Atheroscol D212® is a special formula designed by Biomedical Scientist, Dr. Yacobi to cleanse and remove blockages of cholesterol crystals and other waste material from the arteries and allow them to get blood and oxygen supplies to the heart and brain. It literally cleans every part of the arteries themselves, not just cholesterol residue crystals. “MayX Atheroscol D212® will unblock every clot in the coronary artery and prevent the affected person’s potentially high risk of a heart attack, stroke and peripheral vascular disease. “MayX Atheroscol D212® therapeutic treatment will also ease to help and unclog blockages in the arteries, so that eventually these will be clean, restored and functioning like they were never damaged!


Scientist Dr. Yacobi recommends that to have the best result for a definite treatment is to follow-up with our Programs of Biomedical Therapeutic: “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- Pills, Capsule for Adults and Molecules for Children.

The MayX Atheroscol D212”®, is a specially designed cleansing and healing product that is used to remove blockages in the arteries. This limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to other parts of the body. Atherosclerosis & Arteriosclerosis both can affect any artery in the organs including arteries in the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, and kidneys.It is the safest and most natural biomedical treatment for “Atherosclerosis” helping to keep blood flow and Cholesterol levels balanced and normal. Guaranteed treatment results in as little as 6 month, depending on body size, weight, age, and disease history of the patient. The following treatment will allow the immune system to fight back and reject the Cholesterol and balance organs and arteries function.


The Product containing general Internal Cleansing remedy for “Cholesterol” composition per mg/ml. “Atherosclerosis” disease treatment has been made special with 100% Natural Bio Science treatment:

The Product containing the general formula for “Atherosclerosis disease” It is made in the Netherlands by Scientist Dr. M. A. Yacobi. is a natural product that specializes in general cleansing and recovery, composition mg/ml, 100% Natural Bioscience therapeutic treatment.


“MayX Atheroscol D212”® can easily treat coronary heart disease (CHD), the #1 killer of both men and women in the world. CHD occurs when plaque builds up in the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to our hearts.“MayX Atheroscol D212”® will certainly help to prevent dangerous often fatal heart attacks. Used as directed, our treatment will detoxify the arteries and reverse the effects of atherosclerosis. “MayX Atheroscol D212”® is made from a special natural formula that concentrates specifically on the arteries of the body throughout the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, kidneys. Taking “MayX Atheroscol D212”® guarantees a full clean-up of the arteries and will erase the plaque blockages restoring the arteries to normal acceptable levels. Results can be attained between 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history. Please see the following picture taken by the laboratory by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.


Plaque narrows the coronary arteries and reduces blood flow to the heart muscle. Plaque build-up also increases the likelihood of blood clots forming in the arteries. Blood clots can partially or completely block the blood flow. If blood flow to the heart muscle is reduced or blocked, one may have angina (chest pain or discomfort) or a heart attack. “MayX Atheroscol D212” is made from a special natural formula that concentrates specifically on the arteries of the body including the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, and kidneys. “MayX Atheroscol D212” guarantees complete cleansing of the arteries. The patient will be like a “New Person” between 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history. Please see the following picture taken for the patient by Scientist, Dr. M.A. Yacobi



“MayX Atheroscol D212”® removed these cholesterol crystals and other mineral waste from the patient’s arteries: safely and easily! We have thousands of similar pictures taking by Scientist Dr. M.A. Yacobi


“MayX Atheroscol D212”® can easily treat coronary heart disease (CHD), the #1 killer of both men and women in the world. CHD occurs when plaque builds up in the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to our hearts.“MayX Atheroscol D212”® will certainly help to prevent dangerous often fatal heart attacks. Used as directed, our treatment will detoxify the arteries and reverse the effects of atherosclerosis. “MayX Atheroscol D212”® is made from a special natural formula that concentrates specifically on the arteries of the body throughout the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, kidneys. Taking “MayX Atheroscol D212”® guarantees a full clean-up of the arteries and will erase the plaque blockages restoring the arteries to normal acceptable levels. Results can be attained between 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history. Please see the following picture taken by the laboratory by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.


This is a patient from Germany with Arteriosclerosis disease who suffered from a heart attack and survived. The patient took “MayX Atheroscol D212”® as directed and the cause of his Arteriosclerosis became quite clear as it was expelled from his urine. Using “MayX Atheroscol D212”® guarantees results and a reversal of illness progression between 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history. Please see the picture taking for the patient by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.


The hardening of the arteries does not cause symptoms until blood flow to affected part of the body becomes slowed or blocked. If the arteries to the heart become narrow, blood flow to the heart can slow down or stop. This can cause chest pain (stable angina), shortness of breath, and other symptoms. Narrowed or blocked arteries may also cause problems and complications in the intestines, kidneys, legs, and brain. Taking “MayX Artheroscol D212”® repairs, restores and prevents atherosclerosis, guaranteed between 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history. Please see the picture taking for the patient by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi


This was filtered from a Canadian patient’s urine after taking “MayX Atheroscol D212” for only 1 week! It appears absolutely putrid. The most exciting part is that this residual waste material is no longer infesting the body which it came.


“MayX Atheroscol D212”® can easily treat coronary heart disease (CHD), the #1 killer of both men and women in the world. CHD occurs when plaque builds up in the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to our hearts.“MayX Atheroscol D212”® will certainly help to prevent dangerous often fatal heart attacks. Used as directed, our treatment will detoxify the arteries and reverse the effects of atherosclerosis. “MayX Atheroscol D212”® is made from a special natural formula that concentrates specifically on the arteries of the body throughout the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, kidneys. Taking “MayX Atheroscol D212”® guarantees a full clean-up of the arteries and will erase the plaque blockages restoring the arteries to normal acceptable levels. Results can be attained between 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history. Please see the following picture taken by the laboratory by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.


This is a patient from USA with Arteriosclerosis disease who suffered from a heart attack and survived. The patient took “MayX Atheroscol D212”® as directed and the cause of his atherosclerosis became quite clear as it was expelled from his urine. Using “MayX Atheroscol D212”® guarantees results and a reversal of illness progression between 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history. Please see the picture taking for the patient by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.


The hardening of the arteries does not cause symptoms until blood flow to affected part of the body becomes slowed or blocked. If the arteries to the heart become narrow, blood flow to the heart can slow down or stop. This can cause chest pain (stable angina), shortness of breath, and other symptoms. Narrowed or blocked arteries may also cause problems and complications in the intestines, kidneys, legs, and brain. Taking “MayX Artheroscol D212”® repairs, restores and prevents atherosclerosis, guaranteed between 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history. Please see the picture taking for the patient by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.



“MayX Atheroscol D212”® removed these cholesterol crystals and other mineral waste from the patient’s arteries: safely and easily! We have thousands of similar pictures taking by Scientist Dr. Yacobi


“MayX Atheroscol D212”® can easily treat coronary heart disease (CHD), the #1 killer of both men and women in the world. CHD occurs when plaque builds up in the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to our hearts.“MayX Atheroscol D212”® will certainly help to prevent dangerous often fatal heart attacks. Used as directed, our treatment will detoxify the arteries and reverse the effects of atherosclerosis. “MayX Atheroscol D212”® is made from a special natural formula that concentrates specifically on the arteries of the body throughout the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, kidneys. Taking “MayX Atheroscol D212”® guarantees a full clean-up of the arteries and will erase the plaque blockages restoring the arteries to normal acceptable levels. Results can be attained between 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history. Please see the following picture taken by the laboratory by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.


This was filtered from a Belgium patient’s urine after taking “MayX Atheroscol D212” for only 1 week! It appears absolutely putrid. The most exciting part is that this residual waste material is no longer infesting the body which it came. Taking “MayX Artheroscol D212”® repairs, restores and prevents atherosclerosis, guaranteed between 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history. Please see the picture taking for the patient by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi


“MayX Atheroscol D212”®- can easily treat coronary heart disease (CHD), “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- will certainly help to prevent dangerous often fatal heart attacks. Used as directed, our treatment will detoxify the arteries and reverse the effects of atherosclerosis. “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- is made from a special natural formula that concentrates specifically on the arteries of the body throughout the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, kidneys. Taking “MayX Atheroscol D212”® guarantees a full clean-up of the arteries and will erase the plaque blockages restoring the arteries to normal acceptable levels. Results can be attained between 6 to 36 month, depending on body weight, age and disease history. Please see the following picture taken by the laboratory by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.


Atheroscol D212”® helps eliminate harmful residual mineral waste products that form the plaques that harden the arteries all over the body, including arteries in the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, and kidneys. Please see the next picture taken for the patient by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.

Innovation drives progress. When it comes to innovation in the development of new drugs and therapeutic biological products, Government Agency or Health Canada supports the pharmaceutical industry at every step of the process. With its understanding of the science used to create new products, testing and manufacturing procedures, and the diseases and conditions that new product like “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- is designed to treat, heal and Stop Symptoms of “Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis diseases”, “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- is the only therapeutic treatment that exists today can alleviate “Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis diseases”. SNP Bioscience BV.  ultimate goal of developing effective treatment for health problems. “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- will help cleanse the body of cholesterol crystals that contribute to hypertension and works to eliminate these underlying causes of “Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis diseases”: bodily waste and toxins.“MayX Atheroscol D212”®- will certainly help to prevent dangerous often fatal heart attacks. Used as directed, our treatment will detoxify the arteries and reverse the effects of atherosclerosis. “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- is made from a special natural formula that concentrates specifically on the arteries of the body throughout the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, kidneys. Taking “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- guarantees a full clean-up of the arteries and will erase the plaque blockages restoring the arteries to normal acceptable levels. Dr. Yacobi’s laboratory identified this sample as “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- is made from a special natural formula that concentrates specifically on the arteries of the body throughout the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, kidneys. guaranteed! SNP Bioscience BV.  works to gain knowledge on the main principles of how the human body works and to find new ways for health-giving, treating “Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis diseases” by developing advanced diagnostic tools or new therapeutic strategies .

Health Canada provides scientific and regulatory advice needed to bring new therapies to market. The availability of new drugs and biological products often means new treatment options for patients and advances in health care for the Canadian public and in the world. 

“MayX Atheroscol D212”®- has been tried and tested and is ready to enter the registration process. User Experience – Last but not least the Product Manager is the voice of the user inside the business and must be passionate about the user experience. Again this doesn’t mean being a pixel pusher on the other hand, the Product Manager needs to be out there testing the product, communicating with users and getting their feedback first hand – especially in the start-up phase and that's something we have been doing since last 30 years.

Entrepreneurs, Pharmaceutical, doctors, patients and peoples believes that “FDA” approval process will be significantly accelerated. This is because our formulas are made from 100% natural sources that have proven to be safe for human consumption since 1985. Our products are free from any toxic chemical no reported cases of side-effects were experienced by the thousands of voluntary subjects who tested our products. It is the mission of pharmaceutical research companies to take the path from understanding a disease to bringing a safe and effective new treatment to patients. SNP Bioscience BV.  works to piece together the basic causes of disease at the level of genes, proteins and cells. Out of this understanding emerge “targets,” which potential new drugs might be able to affect. validate these targets, discover the right molecule (potential drug) to interact with the target chosen, test the new compound in the lab and clinic for safety and efficacy and gain approval and get the new drug into the hands of doctors and patients. This whole process takes an average of 10-15 years we have been doing it for the last 25 years.

The batches of “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- for the registration process can be produced in the same laboratory production line that is required for the production of “MayX”®, SNP Bioscience BV’s treatment for Severely “Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis diseases”, and this is the baseline for the following projections:


Positive Results:

Positive results seem to last longer than with other competing pharmaceuticals and products. “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- is safe for ALL people, including pregnant women and their new born babies. This is because “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- is made from 100% natural extracts and ingredients: free from chemicals and toxin. For over 25 years no sideeffects have been experienced or reported taking “MayX Atheroscol D212”®-. At SNP Bioscience Bv, our goal is to one day, be able to help everyone in desperate need find relief from the suffering of “Atherosclerosis disease”.

Important foods to avoid:

Scientist Dr. Yacobi recommend his patients “should not consume” any of listed food and beverage and some drug interactions can even be harmful to you. Avoiding the habitual use of alcohol, Candies, chocolate, coffee, black tea, cola drinks, energy drinks, sodas, sports gels, sports goo, pain drugs, tobacco, avoid bad fats, Fatty red meat, deep fried food, Sugar, artificial sweeteners, colourings, preservatives, fast food and various drugs is harmful to the average person and in no way promotes better body function.

Product Form:

“MayX Atheroscol D212”®- can and is intended to be produced and sold as a liquid Pills, liquid molecular or capsules.

For patients suffering from a “Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis diseases” such as Type 1 & 2 for the last 30 years or more, then it may take 6 month or up to 36 month to successfully treat the disease. For those patients suffering from “Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis diseases” for the last 5-10 years or more, then it may take 6 month to 12 month for a long lasting relief. Healing time depends on severity and complication to the individual’s immune system. One needs to work in harmony with their own body's natural defences by giving it a natural "product" to fight against this immune system disease!

100 % Natural Oil and Minerals The “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- is made from a special natural formula that concentrates specifically on the arteries of the body throughout the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, kidneys. “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- brand, is made with 100% natural, toxin free, chemical free extracts made from the highest-quality natural ingredients and sometimes rare to find. Tastes and smells, like natural herbs with no sideeffects whatsoever. We can produce capsules and pills or mineral drops for children under 2 years old. “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- is a natural treatment for people suffering from the severely “Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis diseases” with no side-effects reported.

  • Natural Oil = 0.014 Ml/Gram
  • Side-effects, Risk = Free (0%)
  • Phosphate = 11.235 Mcg/g
  • Iron = 6:31 Mcg/Mg
  • Chemical = Free (0%)
  • Vitamins = A,B,C
  • Toxin = Free (0%)

Age limitations “MayX Atheroscol D212”®- can be used by adults and children from 1 week and older. The dosage is 3 times a day. “MayX Atheroscol D212”®-packaging is supplied in liquid molecule, Pills in plastic bottle with a content of (90 pills x 6,12,24,36 month).

We have 4 types of packages: supplies for (6 month) for (12 month), for (24 month) month and (36 month). condition is normal level or high risk; some will need to take the medication for a short time only while others will have to do so for longer periods, all depending on their disease history. Some patients may be overweight and will therefore need extra capsules in each dose (depending on body mass and rate of metabolism).