Alzheimer Disease


Alzheimer's disease gradually erases away the people we know and love. As this happens, we mourn them and may experience the different phases of grieving: denial, anger, guilt, sadness and acceptance years before death takes an Alzheimer’s patient. It’s a disease that can kill the family before it kills the patient. The strain of dementia puts extreme stress on the family leading to many social problems including financial burdens, familial conflicts, mental frustration and increased frequency of suicide in extreme circumstances. Despite all these challenges, loving someone with Alzheimer’s can be extremely rewarding and although it may not be obvious, your loved one is still there, behind the disease.

When someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it can be devastating to them and their loved ones. Arguing with loved ones about a forgotten memory will only upset them and further frustrate family members. It's best not to contradict or correct them if they say something wrong. There's no good reason to do that. If they're alert enough, they'll realize they made a mistake and feel bad about it. Even if they don't understand their error, correcting them may embarrass or be otherwise unpleasant for them. It's never a good idea to argue with a person who has dementia. It is a losing battle.

When talking with a person who has Alzheimer's, it's so tempting to ask them if they remember some person or event. It's not uncommon for people with dementia to believe their deceased spouse, parent or other loved one is still alive. They may be confused or feel hurt that the person doesn't come to visit. Affected loved ones might not be able to communicate that he or she is in pain. Changes become more evident, such as a sudden increase in disruptive behaviour or trouble sleeping. Family members will have the painstaking decision to pursue end-of-life care. This means around-the-clock supervision of a person with end-stage Alzheimer disease is very difficult for family members to do on their own. Most people at this stage of the disease are cared for in a long-term care facility.

Scientists and researchers today are starting to understand the cause and reasons for Alzheimer's disease. Despite all the research, treatment is extremely limited with little to no relief or reversal of symptoms. They understand that Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a build-up of plaques in the brain made of protein (Amyloid-Beta). “Understanding and ultimately discovering how to modulate the brain’s system for removing toxic waste could point to new ways to treat these diseases.


[Researchers have tested brain samples from Alzheimer's patient post-mortems and discovered an abundance of waste material in the brain.] Understanding what role the glymphatic system plays in the brain’s inability to break down and remove beta amyloid could point the way to new treatments. This waste or garbage slowly build-up and damage the internal areas of the brain including memories.”

Alzheimer’s is like a CREEK that get blocked by big rocks, drift wood, and dirt. The water builds up and the flow becomes disrupted and can damage the environment and surrounding areas around the creek. While we are asleep, our bodies may be resting, but our brains are busy flushing out the waste material. Biological waste material normally is broken down by the part of the cell known as the lysosome. If something goes wrong in the process, toxins, made up largely of various proteins, start to build up and cause cells to deteriorate and die. This leads to a buildup of the waste material and the growth of plaques that can degrade brain cells and cause damage.

It like a CREEK that get blocked by big rocks and woods, trees and the water build- up and goes everywhere and do a serious damage. While we are asleep, our bodies may be resting, but our brains are busy taking out the trash. Biological waste material normally is broken down by the part of the cell known as the lysosome. If something goes wrong in the process, toxins, made up largely of various proteins, start to build up and cause cells to deteriorate and die. This leads to a buildup of the waste and the growth of plaques that can degrade brain cells and cause damage.

“MayX Alzheimer Z3”® is a specific cleansing and healing agent for patients with Alzheimer's disease. This therapeutic formula has been found in year 2000 and designed to help the brain to progressively stop plaques and abnormal clusters of protein fragments to build up between healthy nerve cells and dead protein-tangled cells. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® will also remove other factors causing blockages in the brain. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® prevents nerve cell death and tissue loss throughout the brain. After a year of treatment, brain shrinkage ceases without affecting its normal functions. This natural remedy is specially made to address all of the complications relating to Alzheimer’s disease. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® taken as a 3 step treatment with “MayX Internol N819”® guarantees results and reversal of progression of this tragic disease in 24 months depending on patients’ age, weight, disease history, and stage of severity.

Our goal is to free our loved ones of blockages in their brains, day by day month by month until recovery is achieved. Although dementia diagnoses are mainly clinical in nature and symptoms are common among the various types, we are currently in the process of testing other forms of biomedical therapeutic treatment for other dementia-type diseases including ALS, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.


The word dementia is a general term that refers to many different diseases. The DSM-IV indicates that dementia is the impairment of at least two cognitive functions, resulting in a decline from a higher level of performance that compromises a person's occupational or social function. Different types of dementia are caused by different physical changes to the brain. Dementia can be caused from advanced stages of an infectious disease such as syphilis or AIDS. Others are caused by a progressive, physical degeneration in the brain. Some forms of dementia are reversible, meaning that they can be treated and cured with therapy. Other forms, however, are irreversible. This means that there is no affective treatment available on the market.

At Snp Bioscience Bv, we have the solution to alleviate and reverse the effects of degenerative dementia! Alzheimer’s disease is an illness of the brain. It causes large numbers of nerve cells in the brain to die. This affects a person's ability to remember and think clearly. Doctors believe the disease can start as early as 40 years of age and progress noticeable symptoms of mental deterioration into later years of life. Nearly half of people age 85 and older may have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

However, it is not a normal part of ageing. The disease often starts slowly. In fact, some people don’t know they have Alzheimer’s disease, blaming their forgetfulness on old age. Over time, memory problems get much worse as the disease progresses. Although memory loss is a consistent symptom of degenerative neurological disorders, Alzheimer's disease can be identified clearly through patient autopsies.

These autopsies reveal both neurofibrillary tangles (distorted nerve fibres) and senile plaque (microscopic build-up and bruising of the neurons) in the cortex. Alzheimer's gradually takes away the person you know and love. As this happens, you'll mourn him or her and may experience the different phases of grieving: denial, anger, guilt, sadness and acceptance.

The stages of grief don't happen neatly in order. You may move in and out of different stages as time goes on. Alzheimer’s disease causes more worry for people over 55 than any other condition. Suspecting you or a loved one may be exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s can be a stressful and emotional experience.

Alzheimer’s disease is an uncomfortable topic that has been kept quiet in mainstream culture. But with the ageing baby boomer population reaching 65+ in record numbers, new information, conversations and research is being done to help find a cure for this debilitating disease. The brain of a person with Alzheimer's disease contains abnormal plaques, or dense clumps, of a protein called amyloid and abnormal tangles of another protein called tau. The plaques form between neurons, or brain cells. The tangles form within the cells.

These deposits prevent the brain from working properly. In addition, the production of a brain chemical called acetylcholine decreases. This chemical is a neurotransmitter, which means that it helps signals move from one nerve cell to another in the brain. So the drop in this chemical hinders communication between brain cells.

The stages below provide a general idea of how abilities change during the course of the disease:

  • STAGE 1: No impairment (normal function)
  • STAGE 2: Very mild cognitive decline (may be normal age-related changes or earliest signs of Alzheimer's disease)
  • STAGE 3: Mild cognitive decline (early-stage Alzheimer's can be diagnosed in some, but not all, individuals with these symptoms).
  • STAGE 4: Mild to Moderate cognitive decline (Mild or early-stage Alzheimer's disease)
  • STAGE 5: Moderate cognitive decline (may be normal age-related changes or earliest signs of Alzheimer's disease).
  • STAGE 6: Moderate to Severe cognitive decline (Moderate or mid-stage Alzheimer's disease).
  • STAGE 7: Severe cognitive decline (Moderate or mid-stage Alzheimer's disease).
  • STAGE 8: Very Severe cognitive decline (Severe or late-stage Alzheimer's disease).


How dangerous can Alzheimer's disease be? The severity and progression varies from patient to patient. Alzheimer’s disease is the fifth leading cause of death for Americans older than 65 years of age and the sixth leading cause of death for all people in the United States. Most people live 4 to 8 years after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Some have been reported to live with the disease for up to 20 years. The different medications physician's prescribe to treat Alzheimer’s disease symptoms are listed below. It’s important to remember that these medicines do not stop the disease. These may not work for every patient or may be affective for only a short time. Typical side effects of these drugs include diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. The (FDA) has also approved another cholinesterase inhibitor, Tacrine, to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Doctors, however, don’t often prescribe it because its side effects are far more dangerous.

Alzheimer's is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behaviour. Symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to inhibit daily tasks. Alzheimer's a general term associated with memory loss and other intellectual abilities serious enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer's disease accounts for 50 to 80 percent of dementia cases.

Many patients become depressed or frustrated when they cannot recognize that their memories and ability to function worsen. It can be hard to tell whether a person who has Alzheimer’s disease is depressed. They may be unresponsive and withdrawn socially. They may also exhibit violent behaviour at sporadic and unprovoked times. Moreover, drastic change in behaviour and inability to function takes a toll on family members and caregivers.

Alzheimer’s disease can cause changes in balance and coordination. Patients become unable to stand and sit on their own and become bed-ridden. They may lose their ability to recognize bodily functions such as bladder control. The patient with bladder control issues may need to have a urinary catheter. A catheter is a tube placed in the bladder to collect and drain urine. Having a catheter increases the risk of urinary tract and other serious infections.In Alzheimer's disease, there is an overall shrinkage of brain tissue.

The grooves or furrows in the brain, called sulciare, become noticeably widened and the gyri (plural of gyrus), the well-developed folds of the brain's outer layer, shrinks in size. In addition, the ventricles, or chambers within the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid, are noticeably swollen. In the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, short-term memory begins to fade as Alzheimer's disease spreads through the cerebral cortex.

Alzheimer’s disease develops when clusters of abnormal proteins grow in the brain. This build-up of proteins gradually block neuropath ways within the brain causing physical changes to it, long before any symptoms are noticeable. Over time, this build-up increases. Eventually, brain cells become damaged and die. Alzheimer’s disease can only be diagnosed with 100% accuracy after death, when the brain is examined under a microscope. The brain of a patient who had Alzheimer’s disease will show very distinct physical changes that only happen when Alzheimer’s is the known cause of dementia.

As the disease progresses, more nerve cells die, leading to changes in behaviour, such as wandering and agitation. In the final stages of the disease, patients may lose the ability to recognize faces and communicate; they normally cannot manage themselves, lose control bodily functions and require constant care. Symptoms, such as long-term memory loss has been reported as early as 12 years before the patient has met the diagnostic criteria for dementia.

Dementia is a symptom, and Alzheimer's is the cause of the symptom.

In the Alzheimer's affected brain:

  • The cortex shrivels up, damaging areas involved in thinking, planning and memory.
  • Shrinkage is especially severe in the hippocampus, an area of the cortex that plays a key role in processing new information and the formation of new memories.
  • Ventricles (fluid-filled spaces within the brain) swell up in size.

“Dementia” Malfunction in the Brain:

A malfunction can occur if the balance level of protein is altered, or if too much or too little is made. Sometimes, the consequences are so severe that a cell dies. Neuron death is the main cause of dementia and is often related to malfunctions in the communication system that a neuron needs to survive. However, if the immune system of the brain is too active and causes inflammation, this can also damage cells. Unlike most cells, when neurons die, other cells do not divide and replace them. Therefore, most dementia is progressive and cannot be reversed.

Vascular dementia:

Blood carries all the oxygen and nutrients to the brain and there are thousands of blood vessels that feed the different regions. If blood flow is reduced, cells in the brain begin to starve and die. This can lead to vascular dementia. One type of vascular dementia, called multi-infarct dementia, is caused when blood vessels become blocked, for example during a stroke. The other type, small-vessel disease occurs when the walls of blood vessels are damaged causing little bleeds. This leads to localized damage, and disrupted blood flow, throughout the brain.

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia is a perpetual deterioration of the human mind with catastrophic consequences. The long term progression takes a toll on everybody. Patients lose their ability to think and remember in such a way that their brains physically deteriorate. The patients’ surrounding family suffer from limited ability to care for their affected loved ones. It is also hurtful for a family member to appear as total stranger to an Alzheimer’s disease patient. Professional care for Alzheimer’s patients is costly and limited as well. Medical research seems futile in treating patients with this degenerative disease. Improvement and remedy from dementia is weak and the side effects are dangerous. Is there hope against such a horrible plague?


Scientist Dr. Yacobi recommends that to have the best result for a definite treatment is to combine 2 types of medication:

“MayX Internol N819”®- Special Organs Internal Cleansing.

The MayX Internol N819”®, is an all-natural high potency organ cleanser and healing remedy. Alzheimer’s patients suffering with severe organ blockages affecting the brain, including the liver, kidneys etc. The function of the organs is, among other things, to get rid of the waste products that result from the body's metabolism. One of the major by-products of the metabolism of protein is urea. These organs remove the waste products by extracting them from the blood and sending them along the ureter to the bladder, from where they are excreted in the urine. If the organ function fails, the waste products accumulate in the blood and the body, the term for this build-up is azotemia.

MayX Internol N819”® will definitely help to prevent surgery and provide clean functioning organs at full potential. MayX Internol N819”® Guarantees full cleanup of the patient’s organs, removal of blockages, and will restore as well as reverse the affects bringing health back just like a “New Person”, with noticeable results as early as 6 to 36 month, depending on the patient’s body size, weight, age and disease history.

“MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- Special Brain Internal Cleansing.

MayX Alzheimer Z3”® is a specific cleansing and healing agent for patients with Alzheimer's disease. This therapeutic formula is designed to help the brain to progressively stop plaques and abnormal clusters of protein fragments to build up between healthy nerve cells and dead protein-tangled cells. MayX Alzheimer Z3”® will also remove microbes, bacteria, toxins, cholesterol, anomalous crystallization and other factors causing blockage in the brain. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® prevents nerve cell death and tissue loss throughout the brain. After a year of treatment, brain shrinkage ceases without affecting its normal functions. This natural remedy is specially made to address all of the complications relating to Alzheimer disease.

Alzheimer's disease involves progressive brain cell failure. The reason cells fail isn't clear among many scientists in the world. After a long study Dr. M.A Yacobi came up with a formula that specialized in healing the malfunction in the brain, like other chronic conditions, we believe that Alzheimer's develops as a complex result of multiple factors rather than any one overriding cause.

“MayX Alzheimer Z3”® is formulated to cleanse and dissolve Amyloid fibrils, the large protein deposits or “plaques” found in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. Amyloid deposits are thought to be the primary cause of the disease. Once a small but critical amount of malfunctioning protein clumps together, it triggers a runaway chain reaction that leads to rapid formation of new clumps, activating new focal points through "Nucleation".

The “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® cleansing and healing properties will help brain cell regeneration. It works also with the secondary "Nucleation" that create juvenile tendrils that at first have just a few clusters containing a handful of protein molecules, or "toxic oligomers". These "toxic oligomers" are soluble and small enough, unlike the bigger, insoluble and denser plaques which have more of a knotted polymer structure, to travel around the brain and wreak havoc by interacting harmfully with other molecules. The result is the gradual death of neurons that cause loss of memory. The toxic species that cause cell death, the oligomers, are formed. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® specifically targets oligomer molecules and their removal. This is the key pathway to detect, target and intervene - the molecular catalyst that underlies the pathology.


  • (A) Patient will first need “MayX Internol N819”® for a full body internal detoxification for a period 6 month.
  • (B) Patient must take “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® to specifically cleanse the internal regions of the brain and to repair the brain tissue for a period of 1 year.
  • (C) After completing steps (A) and (B), patient must follow up by repeating step (A) for a period 6 month using “MayX Internol N819”® to ensure a full body internal cleansing.

Once the patient has completed steps (A), (B) and (C), it will alleviate and reverse the progression of stage 1 & 2 of Alzheimer's disease. Since patients usually exceed age 70 years and over, we advise that patients must repeat these steps for at for at least 3 years or longer period if patient is in stages 5 to 7 of Alzheimer’s disease.

“MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- Most Powerful Natural Treatment for the Human Brain with successful Performance guaranteed.

MayX Alzheimer Z3”® has proven to be a successful treatment since the year 2000. Once the body and the brain are clean of all impurities, toxins and blockages the patient’s brain will start healing and commence the regeneration of brain cells. This is the solution and remedy to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® will help the afflicted to have what seemed impossible: a healthy brain and nervous system able to regulate body functions to have full control over one’s senses, movements, and intelligence. Despite the amazing capabilities of the human brain and nerves, they are vulnerable to damage just like every other part of our bodies.

HOW TO USE “MayX Alzheimer Z3"®- TREATMENT

The Product containing general Internal Cleansing remedy for “Alzheimer's disease” composition per ml. Each disease has a special formula, 100% Natural Bio science treatment.

The Product containing the general “Alzheimer diseases” remedy can transform Alzheimer's Brain to progressively stop plaques and abnormal clusters of protein fragments to build up between healthy nerve cells and dead protein-tangled cells.“MayX Alzheimer Z3”® will also remove microbes, bacteria, toxins, cholesterol, anomalous crystallization and other factors causing blockage in the brain. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- is a natural product that specializes in general “Internal Brain cleansing” and “Recovery”, composition per Litre, 100% Natural Bioscience therapeutic treatment.

“MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- packaging is supplied in, a Pills, Capsules, Liquid and Molecule with a content of 12, 24, 36 month supplies (90 pills per month). Age limitations “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- can be used by adults from 40 years and older. The dosage is 3 times a day. It is made in the Netherlands by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.

We have 2 different formulas available in oral capsules:

A) “MayX Internol N819”® is a special biomedical 1 gram capsule taken orally 3 times per day to cleanse the organs of cholesterol, residual crystallization, and bacteria. Dosage varies according to body weight, age and disease history. Capsules are packaged to be taken for a period of 6 month.

B) “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® is a 1 gram capsule taken orally 3 times per day formulated to cleanse internal regions of the brain and to heal those areas damaged by protein build-up. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® is supplied in packages depending on which stage of Alzheimer’s disease the patient is diagnosed: 12 month (Stage 1-2), 24 month (Stage 2-4) and 36 month (Stage 5-7).

“MayX Internol N819”® (+) “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® Dosage For Full Body, Brain Cleansing and Repair.


“MayX Internol N819”®- 6 month dosage for vital organs’ cleansing treatment The human body is made up of several organ systems that all work together as a unit to make sure the body keeps functioning. There are ten major organ systems in the body, each of which plays a different role in helping the body work.

The organs are collections of specialized tissues, and the tissues are collections of groups of cells. So in reverse order, a simple, big picture look at one’s anatomical make-up looks like this:
  • Cells are the basic living units that make up the body.
  • Groups of cells come together to form specialized tissues.
  • Groups of tissues come together to form the vital organs.

“MayX Internol N819”® addresses the exact cause of organs diseases, failure or contamination and can treat it. “MayX Internol N819”® cleans and removes crystallized cholesterol molecules from the arteries and allow them to get blood and oxygen supply to the heart and brain.

“MayX Internol N819”® will unblock clots in coronary artery and prevents high risks of a heart attack, strokes, peripheral vascular disease and more. “MayX Internol N819”® biomedical therapeutics will also ease to help and clear blockages in arteries, so that eventually the body’s organs are restored to its natural, clean and healthy function.

The most important determinant of the health of every cell in the body is the quality of blood that is supplied for ongoing nourishment and removal of waste products. The blood that the heart pumps to all of the cells delivers nutrients and oxygen to fuel and renew energy production within the cells. Steady blood flow also ensures regular removal of waste materials from the cells, which keeps them healthy and functioning properly. Most of the complications of diabetes are well-known. They include coronary artery disease (damage to the heart), diabetic neuropathy (damage to the nerves resulting in pain or loss of sensation in the legs and hands, as well as formation of skin ulcers), diabetic retinopathy (damage to the eyes) and diabetic nephropathy (damage to the kidneys). Another serious complication of diabetes is stroke and this complication can present itself in the form of vascular dementia, a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is affected. Vascular dementia is the second most common cause of dementia, the first being Alzheimer’s disease.


“MayX Alzheimer Z3”® - Dosage for full brain cleansing treatment


A 12 month supply is targeted for patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's exhibiting early symptoms at “stage 1 to 2”. This supply targets those who are 50 years of age, a height of 1.70 meter (5 ft. 7 inches) and weighing around 70 kg (154 pounds) to 1.80 meter (5 ft. 10 inch) and 80 kg (180 pounds), People that fall under any of these categories are required to take 3 pills or capsules a day, If the people meet the height requirement yet are heavier 100kg (220 pounds) or more, it is recommended to purchase and take double the dosage for a total of 6 capsules a day instead of 3.


A 24 month supply is targeted for patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's between “stage 2 and 4”. The following supply is targeted towards those who are between the ages of 50 to 70 years, with a height of 1.70 meter (5 ft. 7 inches) and weighing around 70 kg (154 pounds) to 1.80 meter (5 ft. 10 inch) and 80 kg (180 pounds). People that fall under any of those categories are required to take 3 capsules a day. However, if the height requirements are the same yet are heavier 100 kg (220 pounds) or more, it is recommended to purchase and take double the dosage for a total of 6 capsules a day for the same reasons as mentioned above.


A 36 month supply is targeted for patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's at “stage 5 to 7”. The following supply is targeted towards those who are 70 years of age and over, with a height of 1.70 meter (5 ft. 7 inches) and weighing around 70 kg (154 pounds) to 1.80 meter (5 ft. 10 inch) and 80 kg (180 pounds), People that fall under any of these categories are required to take 3 capsules a day. However if the height requirements are the same yet are heavier 100kg (220 pounds) or more, it is recommended to purchase and take double the dosage for a total of 6 capsules a day for the same reasons as mentioned above.


“MayX Alzheimer Z3”® - Dosage for full body cleansing treatment

The last step 3 of the Alzheimer’s treatment is important to sustain and heal the brain and organ recovery. The patient must repeat the process of taking “MayX Internol N819”® for another 6 months exactly as it was done during step 1 to complete the procedure of Dr. Yacobi’s Biomedicine Therapeutic treatment.

Some patient’s “Alzheimer disease” condition is normal level or high risk; some will need to take the medication for a short time only while others will have to do so for longer periods, all depending on their disease history. Some patients may be overweight and will therefore need extra pills in each dose (depending on body mass and rate of metabolism).

Although it is difficult to more accurately estimate the exact number of pills that will be produced to meet the market demands, the following projections will allow potential investors to better appreciate the opportunity available for making an excellent return on their investment by financially assisting us to introduce “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® to the market.

“MayX Alzheimer Z3”® is a high-caliber cleansing and healing formula that can help affected patients from Alzheimer's disease. This treatment alleviates the brain to progressively stop plaques of abnormal protein fragments to build up between nerve cells.

“MayX Alzheimer Z3”® will also remove microbes, bacteria, toxins, cholesterol and residual sugar crystallization in the brain. The removal of these abnormalities will reduce the risk of dementia and help prevent heart disease and diabetes. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® prevents premature nerve cell death and tissue degeneration throughout the brain. After a year of treatment, the brain will stop shrinking and progressively regain normal function. This natural biomedical remedy is specially formulated to address all aspects of Alzheimer’s disease complications. Western medicine remains inconclusive as to the cause of progressive brain cell failure in Alzheimer’s dementia. Its treatment options, unfortunately, are far less optimistic. After a long study and follow-up Dr. Yacobi came with a formula that specialized in healing the deteriorated the brain, through a process of detoxification with 100% natural superior quality ingredients with no side effects. The accumulation of waste material and Amyloid fibrils protein is safely eliminated from the body through the urinary tract without complications! Depending on scale of severity and other variables such as weight and age positive results are noticeable within 12 to 36 months. Guaranteed!


Long-term memories usually remain intact while short-term memories become distorted or inexistent.Alzheimer's disease” can cause confusion and behavioural changes. In some people the symptoms worsen quickly, leading to severe memory loss and confusion within a few years. In others, the changes may be more gradual with the disease taking upwards of 20 years to run its course. The average prognosis after the onset of Alzheimer's disease” is within three to nine years. This is a photograph taken by Dr. Yacobi from one of his patients that was diagnosed with this disease and had many complications to his immune system. Following our treatment regimen, this was expelled from his body through his urinary tract: distorted protein molecules! SNP Bioscience Bv guarantees results with this unique performance treatment: “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®. Please see the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.


The most prominent presentation of “Alzheimer's dementia” is memory loss and the brain’s inability to process and recall new information. However, diagnosis is much more complex. Alzheimer’s is confirmed post-mortem by the presence of abnormal protein strains in the cerebral cavities. Dr. Yacobi’s MayX Alzheimer Z3” ® works to remove these protein strains with no harm to the living patient, guaranteed! Please the picture taken by Scientist, Dr. Yacobi.



This image was from a German Patient that been diagnosed with Alzheimer disease at stage 4 with high levels of Crystallization in her brain, which could have led to a potential brain damage or severe memory loss . She had 2 major barriers to her health. She was referred to see Scientist Dr.Yacobi. She was given “MayX alzheimer Z3”® . The family was surprised to witness with their own eyes, what had come out from her urine: pure blockages of Cryslalization! She followed our treatment procedure for 6 month. After 6 month, she was administered “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® to achieve a healthy brain and nervous system that regulated her body functions . This is a very unique treatment discovered over 14 years ago. Guaranteed protection, repair & restoration within 12-36 month, depending on the body weight, age and disease history variables. Please see Picture taken by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.


“MayX Alzheimer Z3”® has successfully alleviated and reversed the progression of a Moroccan patient that suffered for 4 years from “Alzheimer’s disease” at stage 3, The patient likely had damage to the brain a decade or more before symptoms become evident. Although during the preclinical stage of Alzheimer’s disease, the Moroccan patient had experienced minor degrees of symptoms but toxic imbalances were taking place in his brain tissue. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® is an optimally formulated cleanser and healer of the brain capable of safely removing protein molecules like "toxic oligomers" , residual cholesterol crystals, bacteria etc . Every patient that uses our therapeutic product will experience waste literally flushed out of their bodies through the urine. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® is the only 100% natural solution proven to treat Alzheimer’s disease and reverse its destructive progression. Guaranteed! Results can occur within 12 -36 month , depending of the body weight, age and disease history all may vary. Please see Picture taking by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.


The objects in this image shown came from the organs and brain. These are waste materials, not found in an autopsy, rather they were expelled and extracted from the urine of a living patient undergoing the “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® treatment! It cleans the body with no side effects. If this waste material was still inside the body, it would damage the area in the brain called the hippocampus , essential in forming memories. As more neurons die the brain regions begin to shrink. At the final stage of Alzheimer’s , damage is widespread and brain tissue has shrunk significantly. Blood carries all the oxygen and nutrients to the brain and there are thousands of blood vessels that feed the different regions. If blood flow is reduced, cells in the brain begin to starve and die. Every organ in the human body is intertwined to achieve a balanced state. Blockage from waste material in the liver, pancreas and kidneys can cause tremendous complications to the immune system. The good news is with “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® fights all of the “bad cells” and stops the disease from damaging or shrinking the brain. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® guarantees protection, repair and restoration within 12-36 month, of treatment depending on the body weight, age and disease history of the individual patient. Please see the next picture taking by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.



Scientist Dr. M.A.Yacobi has found a solution for those that caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease can have high physical , emotional , and financial costs . The demands of day-to-day care, changing family roles, and difficult decisions about placement in a care facility can be hard to handle. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® guarantees protection, repair and reversal of symptoms within 12-36 month , depending of the body weight, age and disease history of the patient. Please see Picture taking by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.


Alzheimer's disease results from a combination of lifestyle and environmental factors that affect the brain over time. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® guarantees protection, repair and neurological restoration within 12-36 month , depending of the body weight, age and disease history Please see Picture taking by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.


Vascular dementia is caused by a disruption of the supply of oxygen to the brain via blood and circulatory system. Having a stroke more than doubles the risk of developing dementia and around one in three people who have a stroke develop dementia. Vascular dementia is caused by strokes. The risk factors for vascular dementia are the same as those associated with stroke: high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease. To a large extent, these risk factors are controllable. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® cleanses the body and brain of the toxins that cause potential strokes safely and effectively. Guaranteed! Individual results vary with positive changes within 36 month. Please see the picture taken by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.



Blocked arteries caused by blood clots or other anomalies like plaque. When brain cells fail to receive oxygen and glucose, tissue death begins within five to six minutes. Symptoms occur rather quickly and are likely to affect the opposite side of the body from where the stroke occurred. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® works to remove these anomalies with no danger to the body. Guaranteed! Individual results vary due to body weight, age and disease history. Please see Picture taking by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.


Alzheimer's disease results from a combination of lifestyle and environmental factors that affect the brain over time. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® guarantees protection, repair and neurological restoration within 12-36 month , depending of the body weight, age and disease history Please see Picture taking by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.


Carotid artery surgery is a procedure to restore proper blood flow to the brain. The carotid artery brings needed blood to the brain and face. There is one of these arteries on each side of the neck. Blood flow in this artery can become partly or totally blocked by fatty material called plaque. Such a blockage can reduce the blood supply to your brain and may causing thrombosis. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® can prevent this form of risky and unnecessary surgery by cleansing the fatty material out of these arteries and expelling them safely through the urine. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® targets the material in the brain specifically, in conjunction with “MayX”® kidneys get detoxified without pain and side effects preventing renal issues and failure. Renal or Kidney failure disrupts the filtering of blood from waste products and toxic substances. “MayX”® and “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® together cleanse and repair the brain and vital organs reversing the effects of of Alzheimer’s disease, with results within 12-36 month. Guaranteed! Please see the picture taking by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.



Alzheimer's disease is largely believed to be caused by amyloid beta (Αβ) proteins, that are also blocking the transport of important cargoes between brain cells. Aβ proteins build up to toxic levels within the brains of Alzheimer's patients and block the axonal transport of the cargoes. The axons are the long processes that connect neurons in the brain to many other neurons, and are extremely important for the transport of different cargoes on which depend the neurons' functions. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® Guarantees protection, cleansing, repair within 12 -36 month, depending of the body weight, age and disease history all may vary. Please see Picture taking by Scientist Dr. Yacobi.

Innovation drives progress. When it comes to innovation in the development of new drugs and therapeutic biological products, Government Agency or Health Canada supports the pharmaceutical industry at every step of the process. With its understanding of the science used to create new products, testing and manufacturing procedures, and the diseases and conditions that new product like “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- is designed to treat, heal and Stop Symptoms of “Alzheimer's disease”, “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- is the only therapeutic treatment that exists today can alleviate “Alzheimer's disease”. SNP Bioscience BV. ultimate goal of developing effective treatment for health problems. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- can prevent this form of risky and unnecessary surgery by cleansing the fatty material out of these arteries and expelling them safely through the urine. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- targets the material in the brain specifically, in conjunction with “MayX”®- kidneys get detoxified without pain and side effects preventing renal issues and failure. Renal or Kidney failure disrupts the filtering of blood from waste products and toxic substances. “MayX”®- and “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- together cleanse and repair the brain and vital organs reversing the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, with results within 6-36 month. Guaranteed! guaranteed! SNP Bioscience BV. works to gain knowledge on the main principles of how the human body works and to find new ways for health-giving, treating “Alzheimer's disease” by developing advanced diagnostic tools or new therapeutic strategies .

Health Canada provides scientific and regulatory advice needed to bring new therapies to market. The availability of new drugs and biological products often means new treatment options for patients and advances in health care for the Canadian public and in the world.

“MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- has been tried and tested and is ready to enter the registration process. User Experience – Last but not least the Product Manager is the voice of the user inside the business and must be passionate about the user experience. Again this doesn’t mean being a pixel pusher on the other hand, the Product Manager needs to be out there testing the product, communicating with users and getting their feedback first hand – especially in the start-up phase and that's something we have been doing since last 14 years.

Entrepreneurs, Pharmaceutical, doctors, patients and peoples believes that “Health Canada” approval process will be significantly accelerated. This is because our formulas are made from 100% natural sources that have proven to be safe for human consumption since 2000. Our products are free from any toxic chemical no reported cases of side-effects were experienced by the thousands of voluntary subjects who tested our products. It is the mission of pharmaceutical research companies to take the path from understanding a disease to bringing a safe and effective new treatment to patients. Scientist Dr. Yacobi works to piece together the basic causes of disease at the level of genes, proteins and cells. Out of this understanding emerge “targets,” which potential new drugs might be able to affect. validate these targets, discover the right molecule (potential drug) to interact with the target chosen, test the new compound in the lab and clinic for safety and efficacy and gain approval and get the new drug into the hands of doctors and patients. This whole process takes an average of 10-15 years we have been doing it for the last 14 years.

The batches of “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- for the registration process can be produced in the same laboratory production line that is required for the production of “MayX”®, SNP Bioscience BV’s treatment for Severely “Alzheimer's disease”, and this is the baseline for the following projections:


Positive Results

Positive results seem to last longer than with other competing pharmaceuticals and products. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- is safe for ALL people, including pregnant women and their new born babies. This is because “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- is made from 100% natural extracts and ingredients: free from chemicals and toxin. For over 15 years no side-effects have been experienced or reported taking “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®-. At SNP Bioscience Bv, our goal is to one day, be able to help everyone in desperate need find relief from the suffering of “Alzheimer's disease”.

Important foods to avoid: Scientist Dr. Yacobi recommend his patients “should not consume” any of listed food and beverage and some drug interactions can even be harmful to you. Avoiding the habitual use of alcohol, Candies, chocolate, coffee, black tea, cola drinks, energy drinks, sodas, sports gels, sports goo, pain drugs, tobacco, avoid bad fats, Fatty red meat, deep fried food, Sugar, artificial sweeteners, colourings, preservatives, fast food and various drugs is harmful to the average person and in no way promotes better body function.

Product Form: “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- can and is intended to be produced and sold as a liquid Pills, liquid molecular or capsules.

For patients suffering from a “Alzheimer's disease” for the last 30 years or more, then it may take 6 month or up to 36 month to successfully treat the disease. For those patients suffering from “Alzheimer's disease” for the last 5-10 years or more, then it may take 12 month to 36 month for a long lasting relief. Healing time depends on severity and complication to the individual’s immune system. One needs to work in harmony with their own body's natural defences by giving it a natural "product" to fight against this immune system disease!

100 % Natural Oil and Minerals. The “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- prevents nerve cell death and tissue loss throughout the brain. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®-is a natural product that specializes in general “Internal Brain cleansing” and “Recovery”, composition per grams, 100% Natural Bioscience therapeutic treatment. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- brand, is made with , toxin free, chemical free extracts made from the highest-quality natural ingredients and sometimes rare to find. Tastes and smells, like natural herbs with no side-effects whatsoever. We can produce capsules and pills or mineral drops for children under 2 years old. “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®- is a natural treatment for people suffering from the severely “High blood pressure” with no side-effects reported.

  • Natural Oil = 0.014 Ml/Gram
  • Side-effects, Risk = Free (0%)
  • Phosphate = 11.235 Mcg/g
  • Iron = 6:31 Mcg/Mg
  • Chemical = Free (0%)
  • Vitamins = A,B,C
  • Toxin = Free (0%)

We have 6 types of packages: 2 x supplies for 6 month “MayX Internol N819”® for (Step 1) and (Step 3) and 4 types of packages of 12 month, 24 month, and 36 month packages of “MayX Alzheimer Z3”® for “Alzheimer's disease”. Some patient’s “Alzheimer disease” conditions are low and some are severe; some will need to take the medication for a short time only while others will have to do so for longer periods, all depending on their disease history. Some patients may be overweight and will therefore need extra capsules in each dose (depending on body mass and rate of metabolism). Although it is difficult to more accurately estimate the exact number of capsules that will be produced to meet the market demands, the following projections will allow potential investors to better appreciate the opportunity available for making an excellent return on their investment by financially assisting us to introduce “MayX Alzheimer Z3”®”- to the market. In addition to direct sales, Distribution companies and Pharmaceutical companies from around the globe will be required to either pay a deposit or provide a Bank Guarantee to SNP Bioscience B.V. for 50% of their purchase orders (under contract), and this sum will finance the raw materials required to manufacture the products ordered.