Not surprisingly the combination of certain foods and your medication(s) can often affect how the drug is broken down, absorbed or metabolized in your liver.
Drug interactions may make your drug less effective, cause unexpected side effects, or increase the action of a particular drug. Some drug interactions can even be harmful to you. The habitual use of alcohol, Candies, chocolate, coffee, black tea, cola drinks, energy drinks, sodas, sports gels, sports goo, pain drugs, tobacco and various drugs is harmful to the average person and in no way promotes better body function. We can be easily fooled by misleading advertisements into believing that such things are helpful. For years, doctors told patients with cardiac problems to avoid the stimulant entirely.
Ranging in severity from mild to severe, some medication side effects can go from being uncomfortable to unbearable and from harmless to dangerous. Adverse side effects that are most commonly associated with this drug’s consumption include dry mouth, sore throat, headache, migraine, agitation, insomnia, constipation, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, loss of appetite, tremor, side effects sweating, restlessness, anxiety, dizziness, ringing in the ears, side effects rashes, seizures and more. For Example Prescription painkillers are powerful drugs that can be dangerous, or even deadly, especially when taken at high doses or combined with alcohol. A single large dose can cause breathing difficulty that can lead to death.
The “MayX®”, therapeutic biomedical brand of products that is used in treating internal diseases of the human body followed by Yacobi Biomedical procedures.“MayX®” products target the mineral waste material that affect different organs in the body, dissolves it and safely removes it through the urine. The task of discovering and developing safe and effective drugs is even more promising as our knowledge of disease increases. As Scientist Dr. Yacobi works to harness this knowledge, it is becoming an increasingly challenging undertaking. Why so many compounds don’t make it and why it takes such a large, lengthy effort to get one medicine to patients? The best scientific minds, highly sophisticated technology and Medical project management. It also takes persistence and, sometimes, luck. Ultimately, though, the process of drug discovery brings hope and relief to millions of patients. As we have mentioned before that The “MayX®” brands, is made with 100%natural, toxin free, chemical free extracts made from the highest-quality natural ingredients.
Scientist Dr. Yacobi recommend his patients “should not consume” any of listed food and beverage above and below pictures and details. Our bodies are gifts. When you look at how complex and how interactive the cells in our bodies really are, you kind of gain a new appreciation for how fragile they are, too. So why would anybody put anything into his bodythat is so harmful to it? Our stomach is one of those bodily organs that is largely unstable in electrical terms and when there is over-eating or there is junk food ingested, this overstresses the stomach and the organs concerned with digestion become chemically and electrically at fault. The resulting faults in the surrounding energy would not only cause alimentary and digestive disorders, but also mental disorders. Such a person would have weak and low charge energy surrounding him making him more vulnerable to unsteady fields of energy. Health is indeed a favour that we take for granted. We should express gratitude to God for bestowing us with health, and we should try are up most to look after it. God has entrusted us with our bodies for a predestined period of time. He will hold us to account on how we looked after and utilized our bodies and good health.